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  Re: Even more SHELL info...promotion has begun!!
(...) The ones I asked looked at me as if I had two heads or something. What did he mean, check the paper? All of the Shells here are promoting the Shell Houston Open (golf tournament). How many discounted sets can you buy at once with one >$10 (...) (25 years ago, 11-Apr-00, to
  Re: Even more SHELL info...promotion has begun!!
Three of the four clerks I spoke to looked like they were ready to call the cops on me. (It was about 8:30 in the evening) The fourth one was all excited and wanted the web address where I heard about it. Needless to say he will probaly be checking (...) (25 years ago, 11-Apr-00, to
  Re: Even more SHELL info...promotion has begun!!
Nick & All, (...) Indeed. I checked a few here in Ann Arbor Michigan. I asked one gentleman, and he replyed: "Huh? What? You might wanna check the paper." Alrighty then! Scott S. -- Scott E. Sanburn Systems Administrator-Affiliated Engineers -> (...) (25 years ago, 11-Apr-00, to
  Re: Even more SHELL info...promotion has begun!!
I traveled to 4 stations here in Indianapolis and no luck. I guess we will have to wait a bit longer to see these things. -Nick Mark Herzberg wrote in message ... (...) in (...) market (...) require a (...) of (...) been (...) (25 years ago, 11-Apr-00, to
  Knights', Arctic, and Danimals
I don't know if this has been mentioned but I thought I'd share it. My wife pulled off a little tag off of some Danimals yogurt by Dannon, and they're doing a "Win Sets Instantly" promotion called "Way To Grow" Instant Win Game. Prizes are printed (...) (25 years ago, 10-Apr-00, to  
  Re: More SHELL info
(...) Well, LEGO sets have already appeared in Southern California. Like I said, this promotion is not every SHELL station. (25 years ago, 9-Apr-00, to
  Re: More SHELL info
"Mark Herzberg" <> wrote in message (...) There (...) some (...) the (...) every (...) I bought gas at the Shell on Hwy. 64 in Apex, NC today and the person working the counter had absolutely no idea (...) (25 years ago, 9-Apr-00, to
  Even more SHELL info...promotion has begun!!
Forget what I said about May, the LEGO promotion officially started today in the US, April 8th! Keep your eyes out. Southern California is the first market were they were spotted on the RTL. The small sets are $1.19 each and require a minimum $10 (...) (25 years ago, 9-Apr-00, to ! 
  Re: More SHELL info
(...) Thanks for the info, I'll start mapping out the Shell stations! Julie (25 years ago, 8-Apr-00, to
  More SHELL info
I was able to get some info from someone at the SHELL station near me. There will be 13 sets, the 13 seen in the original Euro promotion. They will be availble to all SHELL stations across the US (including Puerto Rico) and some other areas (the (...) (25 years ago, 8-Apr-00, to  

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