| | iPod Minifig
What a wonderfull Minifig. I´m very interested about them and I have a very good minifig for exchang. The minifig is from Legoland Germany and was never for sale, only for promotion. She is very, very rare. who can help me, or who is interested? (...) (20 years ago, 8-Feb-05, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: PodBrix Minifig
(...) Dang, that was quick! Don't blink, he's gone. - Kelly (20 years ago, 8-Feb-05, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: PodBrix Minifig
(...) Wow, I am getting "already sold out"...... awww...www!!!! He rocks! Okay that was a lame pun, my apologies. Janey "Red Brick" (20 years ago, 8-Feb-05, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: PodBrix Minifig
(...) appreciate it. I wonder if the minifig is all black plastic, or if it's just painted? If it's just painted, I can save myself about $14.99 of the $16.99... - Kelly (20 years ago, 7-Feb-05, to lugnet.promo)
| | PodBrix Minifig
PodBrix Minifig - 1K Brix $16.99 limited numbered edition of 300 (URL) (20 years ago, 7-Feb-05, to lugnet.promo)
| | 2005 LLCA
LLCA will coninue the commemorative brick program in 2005. And from the looks of all the (URL) events> going on - they have a good amount of bricks to make. Here is the first set of bricks for 2005: (URL) M (20 years ago, 26-Jan-05, to lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | change stickers 4032
I can offer in pairs sticker from Lauda Air or from Austrian Airlines. I´m in search of the stickers in pairs from followings Airlines: ANA; SAS; El Al; Snowflake and SWISS. many greatings from Austria - Gerhard (20 years ago, 5-Jan-05, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: LLCA New Promo
(...) I have a friend who plays the trumpet, and I might want to get it for him as a gift. How much and is there any way to get it other than by going to the park? (20 years ago, 2-Jan-05, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: 4032 - EL AL Promo Airplane
(...) As far as I know there are eight airlines: Iberia, El Al, JAL, LEGO Air as pictured here: (URL) SAS, Austrian Airlines, Lauda Air, Snowflake (URL) from a LEGO employee) You need to ask Brendan if you want to know about "one other plane" :-) (...) (20 years ago, 7-Dec-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: LEGO 1952 Danmarks Internationale Mejeri & 2149 Colorline Cargo sticker
Sorry, there is no sticker on truck door.... It can be found in 1952 only. Best regards, Wee Lean (20 years ago, 3-Dec-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | LEGO 1952 Danmarks Internationale Mejeri & 2149 Colorline Cargo sticker
Hi! I am a LEGO town and train collector living in Malaysia. Since the currency exchange rate is so high, I am unable to afford the price of set # 2149. I recently purchased parts through Bricklink to build the set myself. Unfortunately, there is no (...) (20 years ago, 3-Dec-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | LLCA New Promo
Hello All, For those who haven't already heard, these are at the park for 2004 limited edition promotional set. (URL) nice! a little unstable, but overall a great promo set. Regards T (20 years ago, 2-Dec-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: Tropicana Orange Juice Promo Details (U.S.)
(...) 7209 Pteranodon 7210 Apatosaurus 7219 T-Rex All three use the new colour schemes for the parts (Grey, Dk. Gray, Brown) Nice sets! But that's a lot of juice! (20 years ago, 10-Nov-04, to lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | Re: Tropicana Orange Juice Promo Details (U.S.)
"Ray Sanders" <rsanders@svic.net> wrote in message news:I627E3.23rC@lugnet.com... (...) They are two of three that have been available before with Kabaya candy in Japan: (URL) (20 years ago, 24-Oct-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: Tropicana Orange Juice Promo Details (U.S.)
(...) Anyone know what sets these are ? The addition of certain parts (like the plate w/tooth) makes me think these are new promo sets. Searching the guide database for 'dino' did not reveal anything new and/or with a similar picture. Ray (20 years ago, 23-Oct-04, to lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | Tropicana Orange Juice Promo Details (U.S.)
The cartons of Tropicana orange juice with the promotional dinosaur set offer are now in grocery stores. You must buy three specially marked 64oz cartons of Tropicana Healthy Kids variety and send in the UPC codes. There are two sets to choose from, (...) (20 years ago, 23-Oct-04, to lugnet.promo, FTX)
| | looking to trade Duplo LEGO store bricks
I have several of the 2004 California Valley Fair/Hillsdale store bricks and I would like to trade them brick-for-brick for one or two the following store bricks: Lego Store Bluewater 2004 Lego Store Kingston 2003 Lego Store Koln 2002 Lego Store (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade, lugnet.promo, lugnet.general)
| | Re: Info needed on 'Jahr Der Technik 2004 Brick'
Hello collectors of promo bricks! I have some bricks "Jahr der Technik 2004" for exchange with other promo bricks. Followings stones are in search: - Lego Store Chicago 2000 Imagination Center (Disney Anaheim) Distribution Center Brick or Treat 2000 (...) (20 years ago, 9-Oct-04, to lugnet.loc.de, lugnet.promo, lugnet.legoland.deutschland, FTX)
| | Info needed on 'Jahr Der Technik 2004 Brick'
Hello all my German friends, I was wondering if anybody knows anything about the 'Jahr Der Technik 2004 Brick' that was made at LLD. Here is a picture of it: (URL) The only thing I know about it was it was made at LLD. I would like to find out where (...) (20 years ago, 25-Sep-04, to lugnet.loc.de, lugnet.promo, lugnet.legoland.deutschland, FTX)
| | LLCA Winter 2004 Commemorative brick schedule
Just got the new passholder newsletter here is a scan of the bricks for this winter: (URL) Brick-Or-Treat -- Oct 23rd - 31st Knights' And Damsels Faire -- Nov 1st - 21st Holiday Block Party -- Nov 22nd - Dec 30th Kids' New Years Eve -- December 31st (...) (20 years ago, 24-Sep-04, to lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.promo, FTX)