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Re: Legomaniac as Weakest Link/Lego Pachinko!
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 22:14:49 GMT
1033 times
In lugnet.people, Jeff Stembel writes:

That reminds me, were you ever interviewed by CNN about college radio?  I
figure it is too much of a coincidence that there are two Sid Mark Dinsays.  :)

Wow... don't tell me you remember that from watching the piece like five
years ago!!!!  :-)

onedaycnn (sid)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Legomaniac as Weakest Link/Lego Pachinko!
(...) :) (...) Actually, it was shown in my speech class last semester. What it had to do with speeches, I have no idea, but it was cool interesting to see a name I recognized from Lugnet. :) Jeff (24 years ago, 28-Jun-01, to lugnet.people)

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  Re: Legomaniac as Weakest Link/Lego Pachinko!
(...) Aw, I missed it! :( That reminds me, were you ever interviewed by CNN about college radio? I figure it is too much of a coincidence that there are two Sid Mark Dinsays. :) Jeff (24 years ago, 27-Jun-01, to lugnet.people)

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