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 Organizations / United States / NELUG / 2064 (-20)
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
Can I join the Great Minds Club? I had the same idea last night before going to bed, and worked on it this morning. All i Did was take Eric's picture and convert it to a pencil drawing. Its at (URL) Tom D (...) (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) It's a plow. That is the Concord Minuteman statue (as opposed to the Lexington one). Frank (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) I know what that thing's a.... what *IS* that? (remember that SNL bit where the whole skit was 2 mothers on a porch looking at something and not being able to ascertain what is was? :-) Well, this was fun:-) Now I gotta hit the hay. (...) (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) Thanks John! (Boy, this mutual appreciation society of ours is getting a bit sappy, ain't it?) I used the Eldorado Fortress instructions as the source, so the fig is sorta' in "LEGO" perspective...not that that will mean much to non-LEGO folks (...) (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) Ha- I posted and then uploaded! And when I did I saw your version:-) All I did was make a silohuette of what Eric had done. I was going to suggest to him to change the perspective of his fig a little. But yours is excellent! If you just (...) (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) OH NO! Too funny! Great minds and all that! Where's the link? I can't wait to see your idea! Matt (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) Well, if he is a minuteman, then I'd say a musket. I'm posting a silohuette fig and a rendering of a NELUG initial logo like the BM. -John (...) (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) Heh! I was already thinking that way (and working on it before the last post): (URL) if we're not careful, this will either degrade into a competition or a partnership! 8?) ) Matt (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) It should be a sword or spear should it not? Dean (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
(...) Hey Eric- I think having that minifig inserted in the BM logo is a great idea! (were you all to decide to pursue and alternate). I think that the little guy needs to be in silhouette like the original, and that he should be standing on a slope (...) (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Boston and Maine / NELUG alternate LOGO possibility
There was a some interest in having an alternate NELUG Logo that used the "Fallen Flag" motif that John Neal has been promoting. John came up with a neat Boston and Maine alternate for us... (URL) I thought it might be neat to have a minifig (...) (23 years ago, 11-Nov-01, to,
  Thanks for the Meeting!
Hi all, Just wanted to say that I enjoyed Thursday's NELUG meeting. Next time, given enough notice, I will try to change my work schedule for the day. That way I might make the shopping at TCS. It was nice to meet some of you and be able to put (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to
  Re: Layout Reminder...
(...) what we have so far. If we stay with that for the upcoming show, does that mean the tables are full of models? Or did we still want to see some newer MOCs at that scale? I don't mind trying to come up with something, but since I'd have to work (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to
  Layout Reminder...
Some people were wondering about the layout configuration for the upcomming show at last nights meeting. The main reason I have not done a new one is because the layout is going to be the same size at this show as the last with basically the same (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to
  Ask and Ye Shall Receive ...
I got home last night after the meeting to discover that the third issue of the Bionicle Comic Book, whose absence I had been bemoaning at TCS, had finally arrived. I stand by my initial summary: Incomprehensible. -s (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to
  Re: NELUG logo
(...) Yep, that's the one. (...) Hmm, I'd never seen that one. Nice. As mentioned, a minifig with a tricorn hat would be easy to do. Frank (who used to ride the B&M Budliners, and lived about 3 blocks from the Concord Depot). (23 years ago, 8-Nov-01, to,
  Re: NELUG logo
(...) Hmmm... Try to aim for a Pirate fig with the tricorn hat.... To maintain the resemblence to the original... Just a thought. :) -H. (23 years ago, 7-Nov-01, to,
  Re: NELUG logo
(...) Now this is a great idea for a potential "alternate NELUG Logo". If we took the old B&M Minuteman LOGO and replaced the image of the "Minuteman" with a Minifig and the text with something more appropriate we could have a pretty cool alternate (...) (23 years ago, 7-Nov-01, to,
  Re: NELUG logo
(...) Eric- Check this out: (URL) (23 years ago, 7-Nov-01, to,
  Re: NELUG logo
(...) LOL ! I like it! :) As for which defunct railroads that would be appropriate for the usage discussed, I agree that the B&M would be my vote. I actually remember seeing the old blue and white diesels rolling through my hometown when I was a (...) (23 years ago, 7-Nov-01, to,

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