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 Organizations / United States / IndyLUG / 414
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Train Zoning (was Re: Layout Ideas)
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 18:05:20 GMT
1363 times
Also, will any locomotives or
cars be considered for use that are more than 8x32 providing that they do
not swing as widely in the corners?

Would it be more concise to specify a max wheelbase (distance between the centers
of rotation of the bogeys) and max overhang (distance from the center of the
bogey to the end of the structure)?

We could be even more precise, and define a maximum deflection (perpendicular
distance from the track) for any part of the vehicle's structure when rounding a
turn. This, after all, is the essence of our concern: that no fixed structure be
too close to the track, and that no car/engine get too close to a structure.

Thinking about this makes me realize that we shouldn't test cars against a
reference model of a car (or engine), but against a reference tunnel through
which the car must be able to pass. Likewise, we should use a reference car which
*just* passes through the reference tunnel. This car can then be used to test the
rest of the layout.

Does vertical clearance need to be "zoned"? I remember the Santa Fe cars
bottoming out around curves in the raised loop. Might long cars bottom out when
transitioning from an incline to a level track, or when going over "bumps" in the
track? What's the precise way of specifying this? Likewise, we would need to zone
the amount of permissible change in inclination (for clearance reasons), and the
maximum degree of incline (for climbability reasons). These two parameters, I
believe, already have values assigned to them by conventional wisdom.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Layout Ideas
Correction to my last posting concerning the under track mounted decoupler system. With only a slight adjustment, (removal of a piece I didn't need) the system I designed for under track mounting is passable by all normal cars and motors and seems (...) (22 years ago, 17-Feb-03, to

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