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Re: Train Zoning (was Re: Layout Ideas)
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 17:10:20 GMT
699 times
I am working on a maximum clearance for the largest 8 wide possible. My two
union pacific and the indylug engines are all 42 studs long and roughly 9
studs wide. i am working on the corners only because the straight away
should be fairly easy to calculate (minus any inclines). as for the upper
level train running on an elevated loop, i think there should be designated
trains for this loop only. more than one though, so they can be switched
out, but a lighter train that is less likey to fall off and is not too long
would probably be preferable. a mamximum height for the train is really a
consensus and not a test of any car (though i believe mark caboose is the
tallest car) and estimate that a clearance of 14 bricks tall should well
suffice. i also uploaded some picks of the new roundhouse and a new moc i
created based on shaun sullivans designs.

i will have this finished (waiting for yet more green bricks) by the next
meeting and will bring to leave at steve's house.


From: "Brian B. Alano" <>
Reply-To: "Brian B. Alano" <>
Subject: Train Zoning (was Re: Layout Ideas)
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 18:05:20 GMT

Also, will any locomotives or
cars be considered for use that are more than 8x32 providing that they do
not swing as widely in the corners?

Would it be more concise to specify a max wheelbase (distance between the
centers of rotation of the bogeys) and max overhang (distance from the
center of the bogey to the end of the structure)?

We could be even more precise, and define a maximum deflection
(perpendicular distance from the track) for any part of the vehicle's
structure when rounding a turn. This, after all, is the essence of our
concern: that no fixed structure be too close to the track, and that no
car/engine get too close to a structure.

Thinking about this makes me realize that we shouldn't test cars against a
reference model of a car (or engine), but against a reference tunnel
through which the car must be able to pass. Likewise, we should use a
reference car which *just* passes through the reference tunnel. This car
can then be used to test the rest of the layout.

Does vertical clearance need to be "zoned"? I remember the Santa Fe cars
bottoming out around curves in the raised loop. Might long cars bottom out
when transitioning from an incline to a level track, or when going over
"bumps" in the track? What's the precise way of specifying this? Likewise,
we would need to zone the amount of permissible change in inclination (for
clearance reasons), and the maximum degree of incline (for climbability
reasons). These two parameters, I believe, already have values assigned to
them by conventional wisdom.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Train Zoning (was Re: Layout Ideas)
Jeremy, The round house is looking great. Can't wait to see it in person. Good luck on the green brick hunt. Brian D (...) (22 years ago, 19-Feb-03, to

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