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Re: Well I'm back!
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:40:29 GMT
698 times
In, Iain Hendry wrote:
In, Bruce Sheridan wrote:

And Dave, before we go welcoming Steve, I think we need to run a check on his
supply of pink lego. From his posts, I get the impression that he purchases a
fair quantity on a regular basis.

...not that there's anything wrong with that.


Actually I only buy Lego sets that "scream" at me "BUY ME!" Since town has been
juniorized and I don't like those new World City sets too much, I look at
Legends at other more detailed sets like the Shell Promo sets (I'm thinking on
buying the Kit with all of the Shell sets, anyone know if that is a good idea or
not?). And the other sets are the new Back-How and the old Extreme Off-Roader (I
am kind of new at Lego Technic, I only have the 4x4 Offroader). I noticed that,
there are robotic competitions. Bad news, I don't actually like the Mindstorms
line. I know it is very educating and fun but nothing grabs me towards that
theme! Though, after I wrote all this, I senced some humour around that I can't
get my finger on.......

Steve M.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Well I'm back!
(...) You know, I only got half way through that before I started nodding off. (22 years ago, 16-Jun-03, to
  Re: Well I'm back!
(...) Sounds like a good criteria for making brick purchases. Since town has been juniorized and I don't like those new World City sets too much, Well I have a good portion of the juniorized sets, actually alarmingly high (sad to say). The new World (...) (22 years ago, 17-Jun-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Well I'm back!
(...) ...not that there's anything wrong with that. Iain (22 years ago, 16-Jun-03, to

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