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Re: some 'puter/math help please
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 14:10:21 GMT
1953 times
In, Rafe Donahue wrote:


Does that help?


actually, that helps quite a bit!  I thought I'd have to get pythagoras in the
equatinos somehow, but htis is much easier!

Much appreciated!

p.s.  Oops, I just saw that you want to go from 10 down to 0.  In that case, set
up the loop to go from, say, 10 to 0 with a step of -10/k instead of 10/k.

It'll be a wide range of starting points, but 1 ending point, but with your
explanations, I'll be able to do what I want :)

Again, thanks!

Dave K
-who should have paid more attention in math class back when he was in school...

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  Re: some 'puter/math help please
(...) The points on the line take the form y = mx + b, where b is the intercept with the y-axis and m is the slope. For the problem as you describe it, b is 0 since the line crosses the y-axis at zero, and m = 1.5 or 15/10 since the slope is the (...) (18 years ago, 23-Mar-07, to

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