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Re: Rechargeable Batteries - with correct link :)
Sat, 5 Jul 2003 22:24:44 GMT
596 times
In, Peter Newman wrote:
NIMH, as TJ is using are chosen by people, especially digicam users for two
reasons, firstly they do not suffer from the memory effects of NICADS if you
don't use them nicely. Secondly unlike NICADS and to a lesser extent
alkalines, NIMH's drop off quite suddenly hence making them very suitable
for TJ's task and also for digicams giving you lots of usage time. Also as
said earlier they come in higher capacities than NICADS. Hope this clears
things up.

     My primary reason for using them is that they're less expensive than
non-rechargables in the long run, and my secondary reason is that I never have
to walk out the door with half-depleted batteries.  My reason for using them
over Ni-Cads is the whole memory issue, but that's only because I got sick of
batteries that only took a quarter charge.  I'm not above making an emergency
purchase of alkalines to power my digital camera if my NiMHs run dry, but I try
to make sure they're all nicely topped off before/during any major travelling,
and I use an AC adapter for home use.

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  Re: Rechargeable Batteries - with correct link :)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Lars Gjerløw Jørgensen" <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:47 AM Subject: Re: Rechargeable Batteries - with correct link :) <snip> </snip> (...) drops (...) (...) (22 years ago, 21-Jun-03, to

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