Re: Another one for Maggie:
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 00:32:52 GMT
810 times
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In, Dave Schuler writes:
> In, Maggie Cambron writes:
> > > "The ubiquitous Ja Rule is everywhere these days."
> > I bet that announcer has tuna fish sandwiches for lunch.
> Oh, thank you for that! I used to manage a sub shop, and people all too
> often requested tuna fish. They never asked for turkey bird, or ham pig, or
> roast beef cow. It drove me mad!
Fear not! There is no reason for your madness..... it's all o.k.
Well, at least the use of 'tuna fish' is something you no longer need to
worry about.
I did only a quick check, but was able to find at least four separate
dictionary entries for the word/phrase 'tuna fish'. These included two
printed dictionaries (a Random House and also my Funk & Wagnalls Standard
College Dictionary) as well as two online entries:
There isn't really any mention of where this usage may have originated so
you'll have to work that out for yourself. But rest assured that the word
itself seems perfectly legitimate. I've heard it used many times, often by
older people and almost always in reference to a sandwich.
Hope that helps. :)
All the best,
Allan B.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Another one for Maggie:
| (...) On another, similar, note I can tell all that tuna in Swedish is "tonfisk" which translates into tuna (ton) fish (fisk). So I guess other lingos too has the fish in there. /Tobbe (URL) (23 years ago, 18-Apr-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Another one for Maggie:
| (...) Oh, thank you for that! I used to manage a sub shop, and people all too often requested tuna fish. They never asked for turkey bird, or ham pig, or roast beef cow. It drove me mad! Dave! (23 years ago, 17-Apr-02, to
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