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Re: Want my car? I want your LEGO
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.people
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 22:09:54 GMT
33 times
In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
Hi all,

In the magical land of New Jersey, strict emmissions tests mean that I can't
drive one of my cars anymore, so I'm looking for a creative way to get rid of
it.  If anyone wants a white 1986 Subaru station wagon DL, I will consider • your
trade for LEGO offers for the next couple days.

Well, I'm a little late with a followup note, but I did succeed in trading my
vehicle for LEGO.  Woohoo!  Thanks to Mark & Milissa Millére for being
interested and willing to work around the rather awkward matter of delivering
it.  (Actually, they basically came and got it by coordinating with holiday
vacation plans.  Handy!)

If you're interested in reviewing the deal, see for images of the car that the
Millére kids will get to drive and the LEGO that they brought me in exchange.



Message has 2 Replies:
  RE: Want my car? I want your LEGO
Hey Chris, How come you took a bigger, more detailed pic of the sets than the car? GDR Thanx, Mark Millére LUGnet # 525 Visit Milissa's LEGO store, Millére's Spares (URL) In, Christopher L. Weeks writes: Well, I'm a (...) (24 years ago, 31-Jan-01, to,, lugnet.people)
  Re: Want my car? I want your LEGO
(...) This is a really neat idea. Wish I'd've thought of it. Anyone want to trade Lego for a '70 Fury convertible? :) -JDF (24 years ago, 1-Feb-01, to,, lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Want my car? I want your LEGO
Hi all, In the magical land of New Jersey, strict emmissions tests mean that I can't drive one of my cars anymore, so I'm looking for a creative way to get rid of it. If anyone wants a white 1986 Subaru station wagon DL, I will consider your trade (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to,

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