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 Off-Topic / Fun / 535
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
(...) Clearly a troll, but I'm on vacation, so here goes. There is no model afterlife. A model exists for only as long as forces external to it, which it cannot control, suffer it to. Once disassembled it exists only in the memory of those that (...) (26 years ago, 21-Dec-98, to
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
(...) Actually, a half-troll. Kinda like a half-orc, I guess; all the looks of the troll but none of the strength. :-, Tom McDonald put it pretty well, in discussing the location of a "true set". (...) :-D Cheers, - Sproat (26 years ago, 21-Dec-98, to
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
(...) That's precisely why I keep Timmys in their own zip locked bag... ;-) From Tom McDonald Anti-spam block in place. (URL) what you can, but behave yourself. We'll have more, right after this. (26 years ago, 22-Dec-98, to
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
Tom McDonald wrote in message ... (...) Muhah..:-D But I wonder, what's the thing that made Timmy most (maybe the only) hated minifig ... Selçuk (26 years ago, 22-Dec-98, to
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
(...) And then when people annoy you, you open the bag in their face and put them into a coma? ;) Jeff (26 years ago, 22-Dec-98, to
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
(...) I live in California, so that's probably litigious :) But it does get me out of having to tip the pizza boy... ;-) From Tom McDonald Anti-spam block in place. (URL) what you can, but behave yourself. We'll have more, right after this. (26 years ago, 22-Dec-98, to
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
(...) Probably mostly because his face is not very transferrable. I certainly wouldn't want a face like that commanding my starfleet, being mayor of my town, driving my train, etc. Also, if we transfer his head from a male hair piece to a female (...) (26 years ago, 22-Dec-98, to
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
(...) They do exist, I have three or four. (Doncha just hate me now? ;)) Hmmmm... Maybe I'll try it and take a picture... Jeff (26 years ago, 22-Dec-98, to
  Re: Where do the old models go when they die?
(...) My friend Nate has put Timmy through extreme pain! One of them was actually blown up (I assume it was with a cherry bomb), and another was melted with a few matches...poor Timmy.... (26 years ago, 26-Dec-98, to

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