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 Off-Topic / Fun / 445
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
(...) Cool, it has a WD 340 meg drive. Sucker cost $400 dollars new at the time. <shudder> Just think what that can buy now in a hard drive. -- Terry K -- (26 years ago, 12-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
(...) Going to a totally different sort of off-topiuc now, to keep this thread alive :) When I bought my first comp, from my very own money, I bought a DX2/66/4 meg/420 meg/14" thingy for $1000, added extra 4 meg (at a friggin' $160), and some (...) (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
Oh that was the time...mine had a cost of exact 1250$ (in 1992) including 15% tax and had: 386SX 16 cpu with appropriate mathco 1 MB RAM (not even as 30 pin simms, but as 44256 individual chips) an Oak 067 VGA card with 256 KB of mem 40 MB HDD (...) (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
(...) Sucks, doesn't it? I would LOVE to have a new bleeding edge computer, but I hate that feeling of buyers remorse when the price drops soon thereafter. (...) Hey, that's what this groups for. :-) I remember my dad jumping on the computer (...) (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 01:51:26 GMT, "Selçuk <teyyareci>" <> wrote: <snip> Selçuk, this is completely irrevelent, but I was just wondering about the <teyyareci> in your header. -- Terry K -- (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
(...) Yeah, well, technically :) (...) *winces* Well, my current system config includes:a Iiyama Visiomaster Pro 17, a Keytronic KB101 PLUS Professional series keyboard I bought second-hand for $10 about 4 or 5 years ago, washed it, and won't be (...) (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
(...) Cool. Why both power supplies? You running a dozen HD's in there or something? Sounds interesting. (...) Mrmmm? N-cube? You mean the ram has a 10 year warranty or does N-cube make something else? A buddy showed me a website once of a company (...) (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
Is it really a stupid DOS question?..:-D Teyyareci is an old word (used during the first half of the century), coming from Arabic, and meaning is "aviator" or "pilot". Old timers (I mean the grandma- grandpa generation) call aircrafts as "teyyare" (...) (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
Terry K wrote in message <>... (...) My brother-in-law (at the time) heard I was taking a computer class, and wanted me to do this huge databasing (is that where you melt floppies in a silver spoon and inject them directly (...) (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to
  Re: A stupid DOS question.....
(...) That is much more than I imagined. Notice that I was careful to not even try to guess. Good thing, too, because my guesses were way off. To say the least. It did not seem like a proper name, last name or title, and the idea of a nickname did (...) (26 years ago, 13-Dec-98, to

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