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 Off-Topic / Fun / 433
  Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...)
(...) I'll split that lot with Larry, if he lets me... :) (...) Let me know when you want to let some go. Seriously. (...) Agreed, all doors should be paired. (...) I hope Dave Simmons doesn't read this, but again if you're looking to unload some, (...) (26 years ago, 10-Dec-98, to
  Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...)
(...) For some reason, I have a strong negative reaction to this piece. Maybe because it doesn't play well with other bricks? Steve (26 years ago, 10-Dec-98, to
  Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...)
(...) Hmm. Hadn't thot of it that way, but it certainly makes sense. TLG could have accomplished the same thing with 1 2x6, 4 2x2 med slopes and 4 2x2 med inv slopes for use in other ways; or even made the legs themselves into a new type of piece, (...) (26 years ago, 10-Dec-98, to
  Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
A 2x3 offset brick would be very cool! Like the 'zigzag octagonal brick' from Aquazone et al. Except a regular sloped brick. Actually, a 1x3 offset brick would be even better. I'm wanting those things everywhere. Does anyone else have new pieces (...) (26 years ago, 11-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
(...) YES. Just about _every_ time I build something I wish for this: A black Technic Axle with Pin, where the "pin" part is high friction. Basically, a cross between part 3749 and 4459. I can't believe TLG has not made this piece. It is so obvious. (...) (26 years ago, 12-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
Steve Bliss wrote in message <>... (...) I'd like to see 1X1 and 1X2 plates with studs on top and bottom, and the same only with female top and bottom. For inverting pieces whenever you feel like it. -John Van (26 years ago, 15-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
(...) You want that with light friction, or stick-a-metal-rod-in-the-center friction? :) Steve (26 years ago, 16-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
(...) Here's a simple one: 1x2 plate with *2-finger* hinge on the side. Sounds silly, but I could have used a bunch of these in one particular model. The alternatives I came up with weren't as good. How about port- and starboard- halves of the (...) (26 years ago, 16-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
(...) At times, I need the SAMRITC type. So a mix of types sure wouldn't hurt. BTW, I needed some of those old super high friction types the other day, so I searched through my bin. Of all those, I only found _one_ of that type. Man, was I PO'd. I (...) (26 years ago, 17-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
(...) Indeed - I've been trying to hunt down transparent blue plates for a little while now, and have had to come to the conclusion they don't exist. Transparent blue bricks would be great too! (26 years ago, 18-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
(...) I can't swear about this, but I think the new Space Port series may have some trans-blue plates. At least in 2x2 size. I saw some of them today at a TRU in Mesa, AZ and I seem to recall seeing those. At the time, I was too interested in the (...) (26 years ago, 19-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see (was: Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...))
(...) I had a 4x6 trans blue plate. And I know there much included into space sets in mid 80's. Selçuk (26 years ago, 19-Dec-98, to
  Re: Pieces we'd like to see
Also sprach Selçuk <teyyareci>: : I had a 4x6 trans blue plate. And I know there much included into space sets i : mid 80's. Indeed. 6927 (the All-Terrain Vehicle) had two 3x6 trans-blue slopes and 2 1x4 trans-blue bricks. 6929 (Starfleet Voyager) (...) (26 years ago, 20-Dec-98, to

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