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Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...)
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 16:32:57 GMT
1285 times
Larry Pieniazek writes:
Sproaticus wrote:

Hi all,

What's on the top of your list of useless pieces?  Rare and/or special
pieces might not count -- it's not useless just because it has a label
or a sticker on it, or because you've only seen it in one set in your
entire life.  On the other hand, a piece could be useless if you have a
hundred of them and they're used only one way.

Here's my list:

7.      4746 - Space Tail 4 x 4 x 2 With Rocket
4.      4591 - Brick 2 x 2 x 2 Round With Fins

Useless? I'll buy these in any quantity that people want to sell,
especially 4591
I'll split that lot with Larry, if he lets me... :)

Good thread, though. Right now I am starting to think that the pieces
that I have the most of and use the least of must be the most useless...

My #1 contender right now would have to be the 2x4/ 2x4 old style plate
hinge, which I have a bazillion of and never use. • Let me know when you want to let some go. Seriously.

#3 would be all the right opening red 4 pane town doors I have from
buying too many of the doors/windows sets. Why could they not also make
some left opening ones? • Agreed, all doors should be paired.

#4 is just about anything in trans orange or trans lt green.
I hope Dave Simmons doesn't read this, but again if you're looking to unload
some, get back to me.

I WAS gonna say the 1x3 and 2x3 bricks but I just had a project that
consumed a bunch of them
Actually, 1x3 and 2x3 I usually end up saving for when no other brick will do.

The whole upper story is upside down which lets me mount radar screens
directly on the underside of theceiling of the tower for a very
realistic effect. )
Lately I've been looking at more and more at stud-not-on-top designs, even from
my own stuff. Hey that's SNOT... :)

My least fav, in descending order:

6. Heretical observation #1: 8x8 radar dishes are fairly useless too. I hate to
admit it being a classic space fan (true, they look great), but I've only ever
seen them used outside of transmission and exhaust representations once: on a
Gary Istok building.

5. Heretical observation #2: 3x3x6 rounded wall corners (for lack of a better
description from set classic space set 6952 Solar Power Transformer. While I
have nothing against the concept of this type of piece, the empty space should
face the inside making the piece more concave. The outside should have been
smooth, windowed and/or studded, but not hollow. I've got four from the set,
which I will keep, but hardly ever use.

5. Also, the sloped train cabin pieces: I would rather build with pieces than
install an "instant room".

4. It's been said before: the sloping wheel fender-hood piece.

3. Also, the smallest hydrosub's black octagonal plate with sloped walls. Sure
you could bury these on a space ship/station, but they wouldn't be the star of
the show.

2. I have to say that that funky Town Jr 2x10 with that sort-of half-octagon
protrusion along the side is fairly useless.

1. That 2x6, I think, with the 45 degree legs has got to be the lamest excuse
for a brick I've ever seen. See the top piece of the roof sign in set 6479
Emergency Response Center.

From Tom McDonald
Anti-spam block in place.
Do what you can, but behave yourself.

We'll have more, right after this.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...)
(...) For some reason, I have a strong negative reaction to this piece. Maybe because it doesn't play well with other bricks? Steve (26 years ago, 10-Dec-98, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...)
(...) Useless? I'll buy these in any quantity that people want to sell, especially 4591 Good thread, though. Right now I am starting to think that the pieces that I have the most of and use the least of must be the most useless... My #1 contender (...) (26 years ago, 9-Dec-98, to

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