Re: Top ten useless Lego pieces (and how to use them...)
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 16:32:57 GMT
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Larry Pieniazek writes:
> Sproaticus wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > What's on the top of your list of useless pieces? Rare and/or special
> > pieces might not count -- it's not useless just because it has a label
> > or a sticker on it, or because you've only seen it in one set in your
> > entire life. On the other hand, a piece could be useless if you have a
> > hundred of them and they're used only one way.
> >
> > Here's my list:
> > 7. 4746 - Space Tail 4 x 4 x 2 With Rocket
> > 4. 4591 - Brick 2 x 2 x 2 Round With Fins
> Useless? I'll buy these in any quantity that people want to sell,
> especially 4591
I'll split that lot with Larry, if he lets me... :)
> Good thread, though. Right now I am starting to think that the pieces
> that I have the most of and use the least of must be the most useless...
> My #1 contender right now would have to be the 2x4/ 2x4 old style plate
> hinge, which I have a bazillion of and never use. Let me know when you want to let some go. Seriously.
> #3 would be all the right opening red 4 pane town doors I have from
> buying too many of the doors/windows sets. Why could they not also make
> some left opening ones? Agreed, all doors should be paired.
> #4 is just about anything in trans orange or trans lt green.
I hope Dave Simmons doesn't read this, but again if you're looking to unload
some, get back to me.
> I WAS gonna say the 1x3 and 2x3 bricks but I just had a project that
> consumed a bunch of them
Actually, 1x3 and 2x3 I usually end up saving for when no other brick will do.
> The whole upper story is upside down which lets me mount radar screens
> directly on the underside of theceiling of the tower for a very
> realistic effect. )
Lately I've been looking at more and more at stud-not-on-top designs, even from
my own stuff. Hey that's SNOT... :)
My least fav, in descending order:
6. Heretical observation #1: 8x8 radar dishes are fairly useless too. I hate to
admit it being a classic space fan (true, they look great), but I've only ever
seen them used outside of transmission and exhaust representations once: on a
Gary Istok building.
5. Heretical observation #2: 3x3x6 rounded wall corners (for lack of a better
description from set classic space set 6952 Solar Power Transformer. While I
have nothing against the concept of this type of piece, the empty space should
face the inside making the piece more concave. The outside should have been
smooth, windowed and/or studded, but not hollow. I've got four from the set,
which I will keep, but hardly ever use.
5. Also, the sloped train cabin pieces: I would rather build with pieces than
install an "instant room".
4. It's been said before: the sloping wheel fender-hood piece.
3. Also, the smallest hydrosub's black octagonal plate with sloped walls. Sure
you could bury these on a space ship/station, but they wouldn't be the star of
the show.
2. I have to say that that funky Town Jr 2x10 with that sort-of half-octagon
protrusion along the side is fairly useless.
1. That 2x6, I think, with the 45 degree legs has got to be the lamest excuse
for a brick I've ever seen. See the top piece of the roof sign in set 6479
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