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Re: Legoholic
Sat, 5 Feb 2000 02:04:58 GMT
292 times
Scott Costello wrote:

Hello, my name is Scott and I am a Legoholic.  Since my obsession with Lego
begun I lost friends, all my money, and I almost lost my family.

Really though, is there any kind of clinic for people with this disorder,
Forget Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, I need Legoholics
Anonymous.  We need a simple ten step program that operates one day at a time.

Is there anyone out there like me? I feel so alone.

As well you should.  Scott, you have a terrible problem to which there is only
one solution-- rid yourself of the offending bricks.  Being one who is here to
help you (that's all I do), I would be willing to take all of your bricks off
your hands so that you may heeall. Really, it's for your own good.  Just send
your collection to me.  And please don't thank me.  Just the knowledge that I
helped another human being is thanks enough.
BTW, this offer extends out to anyone else as well....

;^D John

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Legoholic
(...) John, you convinced me! I'll be sending all my lego collection over to you tomorrow! Expect it any time next Millenium... ;-) (...) Now seriously, Scott - If you feel your lego-addiction is a problem, it will be a problem. If your friends (...) (25 years ago, 5-Feb-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
Hello, my name is Scott and I am a Legoholic. Since my obsession with Lego begun I lost friends, all my money, and I almost lost my family. Really though, is there any kind of clinic for people with this disorder, Forget Alcoholics Anonymous or (...) (25 years ago, 5-Feb-00, to

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