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Re: Legoholic
Sat, 5 Feb 2000 02:02:56 GMT
289 times
In, Scott P. Costello writes:
Hello, my name is Scott and I am a Legoholic.

Hi, Scott!

Since my obsession with Lego
begun I lost friends, all my money, and I almost lost my family.

Really though, is there any kind of clinic for people with this disorder,
Forget Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, I need Legoholics
Anonymous.  We need a simple ten step program that operates one day at a time.

Is there anyone out there like me? I feel so alone.

Scott, I have two cats, no life, and a Steaming Heap of LEGO. I work like a
dog, then come home to my LEGO and cats. I rarely go a day without buying more
LEGO (there is *no* such thing as "too much LEGO"). But as the man said,
"Everyone needs a hobby."

Keep your chin up, you're not alone.


Message is in Reply To:
Hello, my name is Scott and I am a Legoholic. Since my obsession with Lego begun I lost friends, all my money, and I almost lost my family. Really though, is there any kind of clinic for people with this disorder, Forget Alcoholics Anonymous or (...) (25 years ago, 5-Feb-00, to

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