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This has nothing to do with King Xerxes
Sun, 18 Jul 1999 04:27:07 GMT
195 times
Item 1) For all those tried-n-true hackers (which I'm not) or office-hamsters
(which I sorta am), which office/computer chair could you recommend for a
workstation? Willing to spend $100 - $200

Item 2) Are there any good recommendations for an electric razor? Don't know
how much I'm willing to spend..

-Tom McD.
reporting for Spamcake 7 Eyewitness News..

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: This has nothing to do with King Xerxes
(...) I dunno, but those front seats for the Dodge Econoline vans sure are comfy. Cheers, - jsproat (26 years ago, 18-Jul-99, to
  Re: This has nothing to do with King Xerxes
(...) We bought a nice one at Sam's Club for around $100. It is cloth (not leather)has arms, swivels,rocks and is height adjustable. I checked their site, but they don' list it (or anything else) for sale online. We checked office depot and office (...) (26 years ago, 18-Jul-99, to
  Re: This has nothing to do with King Xerxes
(...) No idea. Just go spend an afternoon lounging around in a bunch of them. (...) Those can get _expensive_. Like that Norelco model that oozes something out as you shave that looks like runny pu..... Never mind. Suffice it to say that I really (...) (26 years ago, 18-Jul-99, to

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