Re: On this day in 1979....
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 16:32:06 GMT
431 times
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In, Jasper Janssen writes:
> [Followup-To: set]
> Yea, verily, on this day, 2 decades ago precisely, in a medium-sized
> big-city hospital located not 500 metres from where I am now, Mrs
> Marianne Janssen went through a horrible set of pains.
> Puff, puff, puff... silence.
> Wails, and the doctor saying: Dammit, he's pissing on me.[0]
> The babe was named Jasper Rudolf, and last name Janssen, after his
> male ancestors.
> Looking back over the past 20 years (dammit. Twenty. I feel old. Shut
> up, the rest of you old geezers.) I've had some good times, I've had
> bad times. But I have rarely found as intelligent conversation as I
> have on the various corners of Usenet and Lugnet over the past year or
> so.
"Geezer" doesn't sound so bad when you consider that 20 years ago today I was
playing with some classic space Lego sets: a handful of 442 Space Shuttles, a
coupla 462 Rocket Launchers, two 487 Space Cruisers, and a 493 Space Command
Center(1) in a room devoid of furniture temporarily decorated to look like an
ice planet with a friend who had roughly the same amount of Lego bricks as
Oh, wait. You said intelligent? Hmm. Okay. I take all that gloating back. :-)
-Tom McD.
when replying, spamcake absorbs driveway oil.
(1) The two 481 Alpha-1 Rocket Bases came later that year for Christmas as
well as the 452 Mobile Tracking Station. My friend got the Galaxy Explorer.
(2) Here's waiting to see what Gary Istok was building with 20 years ago..
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: On this day in 1979....
| (...) <snip> (...) And rudely, I forgot your "Happy Birthday"! -Tom McD. when replying, Easy-Bake Spamcake oven, new from Kenner (40 watt lightbulb not included) (26 years ago, 12-Jul-99, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | On this day in 1979....
| [Followup-To: set] Yea, verily, on this day, 2 decades ago precisely, in a medium-sized big-city hospital located not 500 metres from where I am now, Mrs Marianne Janssen went through a horrible set of pains. Puff, puff, puff... silence. Wails, and (...) (26 years ago, 12-Jul-99, to, lugnet.general)
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