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 Off-Topic / Fun / 11387
    Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Timothy Gould
   Thanks and no :) --snip-- (...) No. I misspelt it ;) Tim PS. Post sent to to make it clear to the sergeant that this is a joke. (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
        Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —John Patterson
   (...) Thanks Timmy, that is just so funny. What a great source of really good jokes you are. That one had to take a long time for you to think up. Jay Leno watch out. Funny Timmy is on the loose. John P (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX) ! 
        Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Timothy Gould
   (...) Glad I amused you so much. Spotlighted! Thanks for sharing. Tim (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
        Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —John Patterson
     (...) Timmy: It seems like we do not play well together. Let's take the high road. Stop snipping at me and I will stop snipping at you. We must be boring others and we both have better things to do with our time. John P (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
         Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Richie Dulin
      (...) John, That seems like good advice, though I'd be more inclined to believe you meant it if you addressed Tim as "Tim", the name he clearly prefers to be called, rather than "Timmy". Best regards Richie Dulin (I've left this in, but (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
          Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —John Patterson
      (...) Richie: I am serious about our playground fights. I do call him Timmy (from South Park) and will not anymore. I did this because of his derisive use of “sergeant.” Anyone that was a soldier will know the real meaning of this rank (actually I (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
          Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Timothy Gould
      --snip-- (...) Pretty sure you called me Timmy first but it really is unimportant. (...) And I'm a Doctor if you want to be precise but I've never gone on about it like you have about your rank. (...) This is the main reason I wanted to respond. I (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
          Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —John Patterson
      (...) I did not go on about, but did not hide the fact. I mention it in my Lugnet page. I mention it and do not feel any need to hide it. I also have never mentioned what by graduate degrees are in. As for you being a doctor, so are my kids. My (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
          Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Timothy Gould
      --snip-- (...) I never denied it. Unlike you I'm usually aware of when I am or am not being rude. (...) No. Most would understand the difference. It takes a special sort of brain not to see the difference. The kind of brain that would also do (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
          Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —John Patterson
      (...) I was not going to respond, but I never wrote that email. It is either made up or someone hi jacked my name for that. I have nothing against the French, hell they helped us win our first war. Maybe someone did what others did when they made a (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
          Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Jeff Stembel
      (...) Why would someone impersonate you? Near as I can tell, you posted a bare handful of times prior to 2006, and the email Terry pasted was written in a very similar style and signed the same way you sign your posts. Not only that, but (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
         Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Timothy Gould
      --snip-- (...) I will be more than happy to, sergeant. Tim (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
         Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Jeff Stembel
     (...) "Timmy" jab aside, I would expect that "taking the high road" would be along the lines of "I will not respond to your jabs anymore, regardless of what you say." Stopping only after he stops is hardly what I would consider "the high road." As (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)  
         Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Jude Beaudin
     (...) I agree. STFS. Jude (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)
        Re: Aeroflot Antonov An-28 —Bob Parker
   (...) Oh suuure...spotlight him but not me :-( Remember, if you aren't part of the solution, then you're part of the problem (precipitate for you chemistry geeks :-)) (1) (1) I have no idea why that sounds applicable, but it sounded good when I (...) (18 years ago, 4-May-07, to, FTX)  

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