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 Off-Topic / Debate / 5139
5138  |  5140
Re: Gay Marriages/Domestic Partnerships and the IRS
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 00:18:07 GMT
205 times
In, Ed Jones writes:
I'd like to hear your opinions on gay marriage/Domestic Partnerships.

In America, where we have freedom of religion, should the church have any say
in what constitutes a marriage?

No. At least not from a civil perspective. And it is only a civil perspective
that should have standing in the eyes of the law. Marriage is a contract like
any other Unless the parties CHOOSE to bring a third party in (the church) it
has nothing to do with it. Bringing in a third party should not be a

I have been with my partner for more than 18 years.  Over the last year, he • has
been physically unable to work.  I have not only supported him, but paid for
his medical coverage, doctors and medicine.  I have housed, fed and clothed
him.  Yet, as he is not related to me, I am unable to claim him as a dependent
nor can I claim the thousands of dollars I have spent on his medical care as a

That's bogus. The law is wrong here. If you support a person, that person ought
to be counted as your dependent.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Gay Marriages/Domestic Partnerships and the IRS
(...) Hmm. Yeah! Like, what if someone supports an elderly parent or grandparent? --Todd (25 years ago, 24-Mar-00, to

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  Gay Marriages/Domestic Partnerships and the IRS
I'd like to hear your opinions on gay marriage/Domestic Partnerships. In America, where we have freedom of religion, should the church have any say in what constitutes a marriage? Should those in gay marriages/domestic partnerships be allowed the (...) (25 years ago, 24-Mar-00, to

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