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 Off-Topic / Debate / 28242
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Re: I don't think the Southern Baptist *Anyone* can say *anything* about *anyone else*
Wed, 7 Mar 2007 20:33:19 GMT
3214 times
In, David Koudys wrote:
   And even *if* a person’s completely ‘sinless’ (and we’re told that, well, no one here is), that still does not give them thr *right* to point out to Rudy that he may be unworthy to run for political office due to his divorces.

It’s completely hypocritical.

I understand why people might think divorces are relevant. They’re a character issue. And like it or not, people judge others based on character. If you’ve been arrested 11 times for various robberies, thefts, or whatnot, and you want to run for president, your arrest record SHOULDN’T have anything to do with it. It doesn’t affect your stance on the issues, and it’s perfectly possible that you’ve made a reform in your life and that you’re not going to break the law again.

But regardless, people will hold it against you. Are they right to do so? I dunno, to some extent, yes, and to some extent no.

What annoys me is that people will criticize OTHER people’s characters, and then when they get attacked, they cry foul. Like, I dunno, Cheney getting asked about his lesbian daughter. For some reason that’s totally out of bounds, and he treats people like a traitor for daring to ask.

But I find that the problem is generally that people don’t know how much weight to give to personal issues versus political issues. Sure, Rudy’s divorces might be worth 5% of your decision on him if you care about that sort of thing, but treating it as though it were 50% of the decision is just outrageous. There’s better things to focus on!


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  Re: I don't think the Southern Baptist *Anyone* can say *anything* about *anyone else*
(...) I read it later and I should have specified that--one does *not* need to be perfect to criticise. However, people pointing out that Rudy is *bad* because of his divorces (however public they may have been) when they themselves have sexual (...) (18 years ago, 7-Mar-07, to, FTX)

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