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 Off-Topic / Debate / 27509
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Re: Does God Have A Name For God?
Fri, 20 Jan 2006 03:25:55 GMT
1309 times
In, Avery Christy wrote:

   Well, I am a newcomer apparently to this conversation, not knowing what was before and being too lazy to look it up, I was intrigued by the John 10 verse and I did look that up. First of all, I am not sure what version of the Bible you got this from, but when I am looking for authentic, as close to the original as possible, I go for the original Greek translation.

Yikes! I know just enough Greek to order a Caesar Salad and to know that Pluto’s moon is pronounced “Ka-ron” and not “Sha-ron.”

I grabbed that passage from somewhere online, but the one on my shelf is the KJV, if only because I like the sound of the text in that version (and probably because I studied English literature in college).

For that matter, I know enough Old English to read the bible (very slowly) in that language, but that’s not exactly scrupulously close to the original text, either.

   Although, I must admit to wondering what is God’s purpose to creating all those other stars and planets and stuff. Not that I believe in other sentient life forms, but I wonder what our destiny is? Speculation that is.

It’s fun to ponder, that’s for sure.


Message has 1 Reply:
  ClarificationRe: Does God Have A Name For God?
(...) Yes, I know that those are both Latin derivatives. By the way... Dave! (19 years ago, 20-Jan-06, to, FTX)

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  Re: Does God Have A Name For God?
(...) Well, I am a newcomer apparently to this conversation, not knowing what was before and being too lazy to look it up, I was intrigued by the John 10 verse and I did look that up. First of all, I am not sure what version of the Bible you got (...) (19 years ago, 20-Jan-06, to, FTX)

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