Re: It didn't have to be this way....
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 00:44:14 GMT
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Larry Pieniazek wrote:
Interesting read. One thought I have though... Would the situation truly be
any better if Sadam had got out of power any other way? Part of what is
happening is the power vacuum that results from elimination of a despot. The
rest of the problem is that there is a certain element that can gain power
by recruiting dupes into opposing the West (and the US in particular). They
just have to convincingly blame all the worlds problems on the West. And
then the dupes will go out and bomb the targets they have been told to (even
when the target doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the West - I
bet some of the Palestinians that get murdered by their fellows as being
"collaborators" are not really collaborators, they just happened to piss off
someone in power).
In this end this is incredible proof that you just can't hand people
democracy. People need to want and believe in democracy themselves. And they
have to be willing to fight for it.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: It didn't have to be this way....
| (...) Mmmmm. I think I have remarked upon same here before, and can only agree completely. But as to it not having to be this way, I am not so sure. There would seem to be few examples of freedom delivered from without that were any more successful. (...) (20 years ago, 12-Oct-04, to
|  | | Re: It didn't have to be this way....
| (...)
a despot who was explicitly supported by the West. (...) Some of the world's problems do lie at the feet of the "West". (...) I understand your point. However, we should not make the mistake of believing that those who violently oppose the (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to
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