Re: Why these news groups were created
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 03:52:03 GMT
2223 times
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In, Johannes Koehler wrote:
> Hello!
> > i actually grew up in a loving environment that taught me that right and
> > wrong are absolutes and nothing is relative.
> So at least you are against Death Penalty. Nice to hear that!
> Bye
> Jojo
alright, let me throw everything out on the table: i am a Christian
conservative. i am pro-family (that is marriage between a man and a woman),
pro-life (the right for an unborn, helpless child to live), and i adhere to the
best of my ability to what the bumper sticker says.."GOD said it, i believe it,
and that settles it". i am not perfect, but i will fight for what i believe and
i will fight for the moral and physical well-being of my family. You can throw
all kinds of circular logic and rhetoric my way to try to make me out to be a
monster, but the fact is that i know better than to question what GOD says or
does. your opinions are infinitesimal compared to
GOD's wisdom. HE's my absolute, HE determines what is right or wrong, and that
is all that matters. calling me a closed-minded bigot only fuels the fire
within me.
as for the death penalty, jojo, i find it absolutely detestable that we live in
a society where murderers and child molesters have rights and unborn children do
not. explain that one to me.
if i can close this whole discussion up, then let me do it this way: i
apologize for coming across like a jerk. i am trying to bring people to CHRIST
in a loving and respectful way. apparently, i did the opposite here. my temper
got the best of me, and obviously i have completely turned everyone off. i hold
no ill-will toward any of you who debate me here. debate is healthy. please
understand that i will NEVER change my views and turn against my savior. i
will, however attempt to state my views in a respectful way in the future so
that maybe we can discuss things on a level playing field. from now on, if you
would like to continue to debate me, then please do it using my email address.
i am here to talk about lego, and only lego.
Message has 4 Replies:  | | Re: Why these news groups were created
| (...) This "stay the course" attitude is laudable in some circles but is rightly recognized as irrational stubbornness by others. Can you conceive of any circumstance that would cause you to modify your views? Can you imagine any circumstance under (...) (20 years ago, 24-Sep-04, to
|  | | Re: Why these news groups were created
| (...) Let me likewise then throw everything on the table-- I'm a Christian. I believe that God created the heavens and the earth. I believe that humanity, as stated in Genesis, was put here to be stewards of the planet and, when we get out there, (...) (20 years ago, 24-Sep-04, to
|  | | Re: Why these news groups were created
| (...) I'm not actually sure what happened. (...) What exactly did God say? Not being perfect, yourself, how do you know He said it instead of some guy with a pen? (...) Without questioning what you BELIEVE God thinks or wants, and knowing that you (...) (20 years ago, 24-Sep-04, to
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