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 Off-Topic / Debate / 25679
  Re: Microsoft and IBM in secret plot?
(...) I remember my friend who had an IBM Selectric in 1974 or 75. He did proportional typing and superscripting. Alas, I no longer have any examples of his messages, but I remember the superscripting looked different - I don't know if that was (...) (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to
  Re: Microsoft and IBM in secret plot?
(...) I like what the officer's secretary said (paraphrasing)... "those memos are obviously fake, because I didn't type them, and men just didn't do secretaries work back then... but the ideas they express are obviously true" But again, does this (...) (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to
  Re: Microsoft and IBM in secret plot?
(...) I should have read the paper this morning - the secretray thing was on the fold and I tossed the paper in the car without reading it. Interesting. She doesn't confirm the memos as real, but confirms Bush's commanding officer's opinions (...) (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to
  Re: Microsoft and IBM in secret plot?
(...) In this case, repetition obviously doesn't teach the donkey-- Looking back at the companies that Dubya the Idiot was in charge of, looking at his record in the forces, and his personal life, a la cocaine and alcohol, and yet he still became (...) (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to
  Re: Microsoft and IBM in secret plot?
In, David Koudys wrote: <snip> (...) I know that sometimes my grammar is atrocious, but those paragraphs were just horrible! Eh, whatever... Dave K (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to
  Re: Microsoft and IBM in secret plot?
(...) Jeez, you Canadians don't know anything. Americans like Bush because "he keeps us safe," "he's a likeable guy," and "he has strong morals and values." All right, the real reasons are these: he has terrified most Americans into believing that (...) (20 years ago, 15-Sep-04, to
  Re: Microsoft and IBM in secret plot?
(...) Ideaology. People don't want to believe that their candidate can do any wrong because the alternative is electing a guy that they disagree with. So, they stick their head in the sand, and pretend like these things aren't fundamental flaws that (...) (20 years ago, 16-Sep-04, to
  Re: Microsoft and IBM in secret plot?
(...) However, daily I read news items like -- (URL) mean, a person gets fired over a bumper sticker? I'm sure that if someone were to do some research, they'd find someone who may have been shown the door 'cause they had a 'Bush/Cheney' sticker on (...) (20 years ago, 16-Sep-04, to

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