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 Off-Topic / Debate / 12730
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Re: Jerry Falwell
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 20:28:56 GMT
240 times
Jerry Falwell is one of the biggest loads on two feet, I'm not surprised by
anything that ignoramous says. He's no moral or spiritual leader, just
another slimeball misrepresenting Christianity.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Jerry Falwell
(...) Whoa! Dan and I are in complete agreement on something! Falwell and his fellow reactionary Robertson are both well-established loonies. Dave! (23 years ago, 14-Sep-01, to
  Re: Jerry Falwell
(...) How can something with so many sects be misrepresented? I mean, in fairness, aren't Jerry and his followers allowed to espouse whatever interpretation of quasi-fundamentalist Xtianity they wish? -- Hop-Frog (23 years ago, 14-Sep-01, to
  Re: Jerry Falwell
(...) Whoa, Dan and I are in complete agreement on something! How can that be? (23 years ago, 15-Sep-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Jerry Falwell blames feminists, gays, lesbians, ACLU, others...
These are very hateful sttements by someone so many people look up to for prayer. In my opinion, he is no worse than other hateful extremests. -- On the broadcast of the Christian television program "The 700 Club," Falwell made the following (...) (23 years ago, 14-Sep-01, to

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