Re: Drugs and guns
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:49:46 GMT
251 times
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Hmm...I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic directly with me or if you
were merely adding more humor...
If, perchance, you missed my meaning here, purhaps I can clear it up a bit...
Making guns illegal will only make things worse.
Narcotics were only an habitual problem involving a few accidental deaths
until they were we've got a multi-billion dollar-a-year crime
When alcholhol was banned, a similiar problem arose...
Do you really think it wise to ban guns knowing the repurcussions of past
attempts to ban potentialy lethal luxuries?
Give me a break, the last thing I need is for my life to be turned upside
down because of some yahoo shooting his illegal gun somewhere on my forty
acre property...(an opinionated reference to some outrageous narcotics laws).
In, Jason J. Railton writes:
> In, Kirby Warden writes:
> > In light of the recent gun debate here, I thought that it might be ok to ask
> > your thoughts on banning narcotics in America, afterall, they have had a
> > dramatic negative impact on our society and getting the drugs off the legal
> > market would certainly have a positive impact...oh, wait...nevermind...
> Hmm. Yes. All that drug related violence. All those people resorting to
> violent crime to fund their habit, and the ensuing deaths where innocent
> bystanders have small bags of white powder thrown at them with sufficient
> force to cause gaping wounds to the head, heart, punctured lungs, ruptured
> intestinal tracts poisoning the blood, internal haemmoraging and terminal
> shock...oh, wait...nevermind...
> Jason J Railton
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Drugs and guns
| (...) I don't think it was humor. I think he was being snotty. (...) Only if you consider a national bloodbath and endless guerilla war "bad." :-) (...) Ayup! And you know why we won't end the war on drugs? Because the police support it. You know (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Drugs and guns
| (...) Hmm. Yes. All that drug related violence. All those people resorting to violent crime to fund their habit, and the ensuing deaths where innocent bystanders have small bags of white powder thrown at them with sufficient force to cause gaping (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jul-01, to
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