Re: Handgun Death Rate
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:10:12 GMT
588 times
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So what IS your point then?
My point is that there are more dangerous things than guns. If I am not
mistaken, one of the statistics sited here directly showed that most gun
deaths are actually suicides...and that the percentage of child deaths is
You mention warplanes and bombs and bioweapons...
Ghengis Khan flung plague-ridden bodies into walled cities...U.S. soldiers
gave disese-ridden blankets to native american tribes...these are bioweapons.
The colonial armies had
what is the point you are trying to make? are you against war in general,
weapons of mass destruction, violence? What is your suggestion to prevent
these things?
Personally, I am being very careful not to include my own belief on this
topic, just a rationality that can argue against the banning of guns from
the public...there are more dangerous and lethal luxuries than guns in our
society such as automobiles. How is this trivializing the point?
In, Scott Arthur writes:
> In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
> > In, Scott Arthur writes:
> >
> > > Nope. You are trivialising the issue rather than addressing the point. "The
> > > forefathers" could not comprehend what weapons would do in a few hundred
> > > years time (ie today). What do you think handguns will be like a few hundred
> > > years from now?
> >
> > They could comprehend that the same ordnance _must_ be available to both the
> > military and the civilians.
> Even tanks? Even fighter jets? Even chemical weapons? Even ICBM's?
> Scott A
> >
> > Chris
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Handgun Death Rate
| (...) What is yours? (...) Oh. I see. (...) Does that make it OK? What does that have to do with your point? (...) It is still far too high in my opinion. (...) Not quite, but I will let it ride. (...) Read what Chris said. Read my reply. Think (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-01, to
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