Re: Now: Women Was: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 15:57:16 GMT
1155 times
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Katie Dokken wrote:
> > No one can take advantage of you without your permission. If he makes you
> > that angry, kick him to the curb.
> Already did that, several times over. But no one is lined up to take "his"
> place, especially when they find out that they have to clean up after
> themselves. In fact all the contenders after him have had the nerve to say out
> loud, "but if you loved me, you'd change......" or my favorite is, "once we are
> together, you'll cook for me because you love me and doing that will show that
> you love me." None of them lasted very long....
> Since I can't cook at all, I'd probably kill the guy anyway. :-)
Sounds to me like you just have bad luck on finding men ;-)
Men AND women should realize that they are NOT going to change their spouse in any
major way.
And there are men out there that like to cook, you just need to look harder - or
eat out all the time ;-)
Tom Stangl
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