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 Off-Topic / Clone Brands / 1852
    Re: A serious clone question —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) But later said (without admitting the difference in meaning): (...) Note the huge difference in phrasing. The first statement is classic intolerance of others and is, in my view, unacceptable. The second is intolerance of intolerance, and is a (...) (22 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to, FTX)
        Re: A serious clone question —Richard Marchetti
     I take exception to the idea that I am merely baiting people in this discussion. I think that such an assertion is false even if you are looking at only my first posting on the subject. That I raised the issue of "brick brand xenophobia," even from (...) (22 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to, FTX)
        Re: A serious clone question —Terry Prosper
   (...) Ah! That kind of thread is exactly why I stopped going in the OT.D forums a long time ago. People there insult you, then their friends come in and add fuel to the fire, then you try to defend yourself, but they accuse you of adding fuel to the (...) (22 years ago, 18-Aug-03, to, FTX)
        Re: A serious clone question —David Laswell
   (...) When exactly did Larry insult you in this thread? I can only find one reply by him, and I can't see how it was intended to apply to you. (22 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to, FTX)
        Re: A serious clone question —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) It wasn't intended to insult ANYONE. Terry, if you took it as insulting you, I'm not sure what to say except sorry. Richard, if you took it as insulting rather than just stating the truth about your "latch on to controversy and use it to cause (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to
        Re: A serious clone question —Dave Schuler
   (...) Might be useful to ease back on the spin, there. "Quibbling" suggests pointless bickering about minutiae, but I think my question about the charter was legitimate and perfectly in keeping with honest exchange of information. I could have been (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to
        Re: A serious clone question —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) I haven't previously commented on the original question you raised, Dave! But since you (indirectly) asked, I have no issue with the form of your original question, did not think it was quibbling, and think the answer that you and others (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to
        Re: A serious clone question —Dave Schuler
     (...) Maybe not, but I was feeling left out! Dave! (22 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to
        Re: A serious clone question —Richard Marchetti
   (...) I like how you minimize the problems of others. And perhaps I am exaggerating these problems -- but let's not pretend there isn't a problem at all. There really is a problem here and if there wasn't people wouldn't be so defensive about it. If (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to, FTX)

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