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Re: New LEGO Universe Tradition Card Game coming
Fri, 30 Jul 2010 14:52:14 GMT
30621 times
In lugnet.mediawatch, John Neal wrote:
   I believe that LUGNET is sound in theory and can still be THE hub for AFOLs.

You and me both! I prefer the mechanics of some other sites but I would rather come here than most of them.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New LEGO Universe Tradition Card Game coming
(...) Nod. Brickwiki just silently disappearing is rather a bummer, lost a fair bit of work from a fair number of folks. I've pinged the owner a few times about bringing it up long enough to get the data extracted but no joy yet. (15 years ago, 31-Jul-10, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New LEGO Universe Tradition Card Game coming
(...) Yes, it seems that LUGNET has been surpassed in terms of board bells and whistles and AFOLs have preferred to go elsewhere to talk about LEGO. But I refuse to gentle into that good night; I believe that LUGNET is sound in theory and can still (...) (15 years ago, 30-Jul-10, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)

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