| | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
(...) I'm not into Bionicle, but I could not help but notice things like claws, flaming swords, spear-like contraptions, etc[1] on these "things". Items I would usually connect to "violence" instead of "conflict". I noticed a lack of (...) (20 years ago, 16-Nov-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
 | | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
(...) Cats have claws. Does that make a cat violent? Well, it may, but only when provoked... Question--who does the provoking? As much as I don't collect Bionicle, I have found through the (free) comic books and the Lego-produced movies, there is a (...) (20 years ago, 16-Nov-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
 | | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
(...) Well cats have claws. But they are there for hunting (and destroying furniture), and they are comparably small. Compare the Bionicle claws to the overall size of the "figures". And cats do not use spears or flaming swords... (...) Thinking and (...) (20 years ago, 17-Nov-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
 | | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
(...) This point is completely irrelevant. There is always a gulf between the way a toy is marketed and the children play with them. Take, for example, Hotwheels or Matchbox cars. I would assert the that way these toys are marketed to kids is a (...) (20 years ago, 17-Nov-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
 | | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
(...) A reasonable well thought out book on the subjects of children and violent play that I have flipped through recently is Killing Monsters Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes, and Make-Believe Violence by Gerard Jones, Lynn, Md. Ponton (URL) (...) (20 years ago, 17-Nov-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
 | | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
In lugnet.mediawatch, Christian Treczoks wrote: SNIP (...) They don't? Your cats must suck. Soren (20 years ago, 17-Nov-04, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)
 | | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
Looking at 2004 Lego catalog cover I can't help but see a lot of aggression -it is all swords, teeth, claws, etc. Everyone can understand - this is a pure marketing, that's what american children would buy. But, after all, how else can you prepare (...) (20 years ago, 17-Nov-04, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
 | | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
(...) So why can't you just buy sets and give him only the "approved parts"? (...) A real conviction should triumph over this, hands down. (...) Your argument is divided between building and play. In building, it is impossible to determine what will (...) (20 years ago, 18-Nov-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)
 | | Re: LEGO sells "violent" toys?
(...) Ok, what kid doesn't play with any of his toys that way no matter what they are? As a kid I had a couple friends whose parents absolutely INSISTED that they'd have no violent toys in the house. Star Wars toys? Nope. Transformers? Nope. But (...) (20 years ago, 18-Nov-04, to lugnet.mediawatch)