Re: SELL : 18" Tall Jumbo Display Lego Figures. 6 different types.
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 07:55:15 GMT
1404 times
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In, John Herre writes:
> In, Jeremy Scott writes:
> >
> > I still feel his frequent, thought not as frequent as before,
> > posts are still a bit annoying,
> I'm curious, what would you consider a reasonable frequency for reposting?
> His previous post in buy-sell-trade was just over a month ago, and the one
> prior to that was three weeks earlier. To me, that's more than enough time
> between posts.
> John
Thanks for pulling up these details.
I agree completely with these comments. Three to Four weeks between postings
is a very reasonable amount of time.
Those of us who read the marketplace groups daily may think we have seen the
same information too many times, but remember that most readers of .b-s-t are
probably casual readers. And don't forget new, first-time readers who may
stumble upon .b-s-t almost accidentally. Having an easy-to-find announcement
is the way to sell your stuff.
Sometime we just have to let repetitive things pass by without incident. Just
think of television commericals that are very, very repetitive -- by simply
ignoring them, they affect us very little if at all.
__Kevin Salm__
Curator, Lugnet marketplace newsgroups
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