Re: Lego logo on auction pages? (Was: Soft Bricks on ebay!)
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 05:42:17 GMT
1654 times
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In, David Eaton writes:
> In, Mark Papenfuss writes:
> > I have decided to put 2 Soft brick lots up on Ebay, there are a few bricks
> > in each one, see item description for details.
> >
> > Lot 1
> >
> >
> > Lot 2
> >
> >
> > Their are a few other lego listings as well as 90% of my older hot wheels
> > collection, so please check them out also.
> So-- what's the policy on using the Lego logo on Ebay auction pages? I mean,
> I guess you can't help it if it appears in a photo that you take of the
> product, and probably as such would be allowed... But I get the feeling that
> if you just used a logo gif, people would object... Maybe not? If so, what
> about a photo of the box, zoomed in on the logo? Geez, I feel like a lawyer...
> DaveE
I honestly think you need to get out more, David. You are taking this much
to seriously. If the Lego group had a problem with their logo on Ebay
auctions, you think they would have stepped up and filed a lawsuit years ago.
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