| | Walmart Sale Revisited
(sigh) At work this morning and the walmart site is down... Earlier this morning around 8:00am EST I was looking at the walmart site... checking to see the status of this greatest of great sales ;) and believe it or not.. all items were apparently (...) (24 years ago, 15-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
(...) Just for grins, I typed in an order of 1000 Silver Champions yesterday. Don't get the wrong idea, but the site nicely lists the "actual" number of available sets. As of a little while ago (8:30 CST) here are the current quantities: Silver (...) (24 years ago, 15-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
(...) Once again, I'm right here with ya. I'm sure I'll break down and put in the order before lunch. J (24 years ago, 15-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Why don't Lego trains sell (was Re: Walmart revisited)
(...) Doesn't seem like the Railway Expresses are selling too well. Is this why TLC doesn't get into trains more? I am constantly surprised by the number of people who don't know that TLC makes trains. Has anyone ever seen a commercial advertising (...) (24 years ago, 15-Dec-00, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
(...) () quantity as of 16.5 hours later (...) Coastwatch: ? (96) Tread Trekkers: ? (36) Amazon Ancient Ruins: ? (69) Looks like a $85 Silver Champion is a really good deal. (24 years ago, 16-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
To all, (...) Well, I ordered a whole bunch of stuff there with no problems. It worked fine, got the confirmation, etc. and am waiting patiently for the boxes to arrive. (...) You mean you still try to fight it? ; ) Scott S. -- Want LEGO Elements at (...) (24 years ago, 16-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Why don't Lego trains sell (was Re: Walmart revisited)
Model trains, in general, seem to be in decline, at least in the US. Of course, there is a group of hard-core enthusiasts that really love them, but the general populous seems more interested in other toys. My father always comments that model (...) (24 years ago, 16-Dec-00, to lugnet.trains)
 | | My Wife is Gonna kill Me (was Re: Walmart Sale Revisited)
I couldn't resist early this morning (6AM Hawaii time) I just had to get a 7191 and 4561 from WalMart.com Boy am I going to be in trouble when the wife wakes up. Oh yeah, I could tell her that the kits are for her ..... Nah she will never fall for (...) (24 years ago, 16-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Why don't Lego trains sell (was Re: Walmart revisited)
(...) Never underestimate the power of nostalgia and the cyclical nature of life... (URL) (...) (24 years ago, 16-Dec-00, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: My Wife is Gonna kill Me (was Re: Walmart Sale Revisited)
(...) WHAT???? You're going to *TELL* her??? >;^D -John (...) (24 years ago, 16-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Why don't Lego trains sell (was Re: Walmart revisited)
(...) points of model railroading, though it didn't really mention one that I think is a very strong point, the fact that of all the types of things you can model, railroads are the thing which can most extensively be modeled by physical models (as (...) (24 years ago, 16-Dec-00, to lugnet.trains)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
The Silver Champions are still there. Search on Lego and silver (544 as of 7:30 MST) and only 28 Xwings left. Rose (...) () quantity as of 16.5 hours later (...) Coastwatch: ? (96) Tread Trekkers: ? (36) Amazon Ancient Ruins: ? (69) Looks like a $85 (...) (24 years ago, 17-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
Interesting. The Silver Champions were gone yesterday. Maybe someone cancelled a HUGE order, the were mistakenly removed, or removed on purpose while they did an inventory check. (...) -- Tom Stangl ***(URL) Visual FAQ home ***(URL) Bay Area DSMs (24 years ago, 17-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
I think that they may still be getting shipments from TLC, other quantities seem to fluctuate above the original posts stock, either that or someone in the warehouse is still learning to count ;) (...) (24 years ago, 17-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: My Wife is Gonna kill Me (was Re: Walmart Sale Revisited)
(...) You might as well... they always find out anyway when the credit card bills come. <sigh> Boy am I in trouble. ;-) Steve Martin (24 years ago, 17-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited (TIE's aren't Shipping)
I ordered the UCS X-wing and Tie Interceptor Friday morning. Then, realizing I had forgotten a code to add, I canceled that order and ordered them again.... Today (Monday) I have confirmation of the first X-wing that was canceled it shipping (the (...) (24 years ago, 18-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
"Doug Pegram" <DPegram@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message news:G5qAvB.Gw3@lugnet.com... (...) Maybe the warehouse is in Florida ;-) (24 years ago, 18-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)