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Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 02:32:06 GMT
628 times
The Silver Champions are still there. Search on Lego and silver (544 as of
7:30 MST) and only 28 Xwings left.


Guy Albertelli wrote in message ...
Andreas Stabno wrote:

Just for grins, I typed in an order of 1000 Silver Champions yesterday.
Don't get the wrong idea, but the site nicely lists the "actual" number of
available sets.

As of a little while ago (8:30 CST) here are the current quantities:

() quantity as of 16.5 hours later

Silver Champions: 736     (gone)
Railway Express:  1808    (1814)
Highway Constructions: 10 (gone)
X-Wings: 411 (398)
Tie-Interceptors: 64 (gone)
Tie-Y combos: 264  (231)
Destroyer Droids: 493 (437)
   Coastwatch: ? (96)
   Tread Trekkers: ? (36)
   Amazon Ancient Ruins: ? (69)

Looks like a $85 Silver Champion is a really good deal.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
Interesting. The Silver Champions were gone yesterday. Maybe someone cancelled a HUGE order, the were mistakenly removed, or removed on purpose while they did an inventory check. (...) -- Tom Stangl ***(URL) Visual FAQ home ***(URL) Bay Area DSMs (24 years ago, 17-Dec-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Walmart Sale Revisited
(...) () quantity as of 16.5 hours later (...) Coastwatch: ? (96) Tread Trekkers: ? (36) Amazon Ancient Ruins: ? (69) Looks like a $85 Silver Champion is a really good deal. (24 years ago, 16-Dec-00, to

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