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 Marketplace / Shopping / 12029 (-20)
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
Michael, I worked at KB Toys back in my college years (1996-1998) and the poicy at the time was that we (KBToys) had the top toys that others did not. At the time that was the Hasbro Star Wars Figures, Hot Wheel Cars, and off course the Holidy (...) (20 years ago, 30-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) This is such a bizarre story.... perhaps you should contact your local TV news station. Most cities have "problem solvers" type news reporters who find stories that they try to solve, usually against corrupt businesses. But this one would make (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Online Deals on 12/29/2004
In, Todd Thuma wrote: Hey Thanks for the Update!!!! Don't forget that many online retailers have affinity programs, so if you want to fund your favorite charity, you can go through that website's affinity link. For example, (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to
  Online Deals on 12/29/2004
I was looking around on the Internet and found the following deals posted to the websites indicated on 12/29/2004: Wal*Mart (URL) LEGENDS: Main Street - normally $65 - now $45.00 4756 Harry Potter: Shrieking Shack - norm $48.88 - now $33.00 4745 (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to
  Re: Play Table $100 at SamsClub (YMMV)
(...) I bought one of these for my wife's Dr's Office. She has a play area for the kids. The come unassembled and you have to put them together. I just wanted to say that I was very impressed by the workmanship and sturdiness of the table/chairs. (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) This all sounds crazy --- but hey, it's a big world with lots of crazies! The average retailer would die for a customer who steadily $500 to $1500, espeically week after week. Heck, a customer like would get special treatment most places. (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,, FTX)
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
"Marc Nelson Jr." <> wrote in message (...) stores (...) the (...) This is fairly easy to verify; KB Toys has posted the list of stores scheduled to close. The list is here: (URL) Either that, or (...) (20 years ago, 29-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) That would not surprise me at all. Some of the shipping cartons for stuff that Dollar General got last year, left me with the impression that it *may* have been stuff originally consigned to KB. Likewise, a DM from CVS told me that some of the (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) If the store happens to be KBToys, they have a website with consumer information that also lists the stores that are slated to be closed during 2005. (URL) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
In lugnet.general, Michael Hall wrote: (interesting story...) Hard to believe, even for KB. I thought they actually sold OVER retail in some cases? TRU used to give a small discount if you bought over 1000 USD at a time, if you knew to ask for it. (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) Well, that's certainly wacky, but I can offer one possible interpretation based upon my limited experience in retail. I worked at a small game/hobby store from 97 through 99 that sold a lot of role-playing games (among other stuff). One (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
In lugnet.general, Michael Hall wrote: SNIP (...) I've noticed recently that a few of the nearby KB locations (in Baltimore/Central MD) have looked really empty. My guess is that these stores are on the chopping block for closure - although this has (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) Oh, what the hay. I don't want to get any of the employees at the stores in trouble, because they are all really friendly and great people, but I will release the store name anyway. The assistant manager, who is my favorite, is leaving anyway. (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) For a while, they were sending lots of sets and I was buying a good deal of them. The shelves weren't close to empty and I would leave some for the kids to buy. For some reason, that changed about three or four weeks ago, when they stopped (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) I agree with Dave, this is crazy, I think it might even be considered silly or rediculous. If you are actually paying retail as you say I can't see why they would care how much you bought. From your description I have to assume this is either (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) This seems extrmemly odd to me. Based on other posts you have made to LUGNET, I will assume that it is either TRU or KB. TRU can be a little funky at times, and I think KB is on the way out anyway. A small town toy store would not likely have (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to
  Re: Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
(...) Wow, that's CRAZY. I guess maybe I could see them worried about the stocking situation-- since IIRC Toys R Us managers can't control their inventory, they just get what's sent to them (assuming this is TRU or some store with a similar policy). (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to lugnet.general,
  Toy store won't sell me any Lego!
Okay, here’s a kicker for you and I’m wondering if anything like this has happened to anyone else. I just got back from my local toy store (I won’t name which one yet) and was told that I couldn’t by large amounts of Lego from them anymore. This (...) (20 years ago, 28-Dec-04, to lugnet.general, ! 
  Re: Play Table $100 at SamsClub (YMMV)
My local Sam's dropped them further, to $79.21 each. There were 15+ left at $99 a week ago, but 4 left at this price... 2 left after I left the store ;-) (...) -- Tom Stangl *(URL) Visual FAQ home *(URL) Visual FAQ Home (20 years ago, 27-Dec-04, to
  initial markdowns at one WM store
One WM store I checked this morning had some sets on initial markdown. The toy dept manager told me there would most likely be more sets with price markdowns after the 'January reset' information is received. [LEGOSet 4504] marked to $75 [LEGOSet (...) (20 years ago, 26-Dec-04, to, FTX)

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