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Re: More spam (Was: VERY CHEAP SPACE SETS!)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.general
Fri, 12 May 2000 17:21:48 GMT
1100 times
In, Matthew Teets writes:
If you have a mailbox.  Well, there isn't anything you can do.  By paying the
postage they have bought the right to send you something.
As far as e-mail, anyone can send you anything that isn't illegal and your
right is to basically delete it.  You can set up most e-mail programs to
reject e-mail from all but approved addresses.

Matt, be caeful -- you are exhibiting an uninformed la-la-land view of the
world.  I'm going to try to use small words so you can understand.

Postal mail is guaranteed by law in the U.S., and cost of mail goes to the
sender.  Receiving excessive postal mail costs you nothing except time to throw
it in the dust bin.

OTOH, e-mail is a private industry, and has no guarantees.  The cost of
legitimate e-mail is split nearly 50-50 between sender and recipient.  Note
that I said legitimate.  Most spammers use back doors and other illegitimate
methods to reduce their costs to nearly zero; that cost is shifted to the
recipient.  (And some of us pay per byte for our e-mail.  What, you want free
e-mail?  Ain't gonna happen.)  In other words, receiving excessive e-mail costs
the recipient.  The spammer earns money purely at the expense of his victims.

By doing this of course you might miss out on something, but that's the
problem with building a big fence around your house, not having a phone and
not picking up your mail or e-mail.

But it's my right to do so.  And it's *your* responsibility to respect that

- jsproat

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: More spam (Was: VERY CHEAP SPACE SETS!)
(...) each (...) EVERYONE (...) If you live in the U.S., why yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. If you live in a house and you don't have posted, "No Soliciting", anyone is welcome to come up to the door and knock and ask you to buy something, (...) (25 years ago, 12-May-00, to, lugnet.admin.general)

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