In lugnet.loc.ca, Jude Beaudin writes:
> So does this mean you are willing to host it or would you prefer Ottawa?
Unless another group desperately wanted to do it, sure, I suppose we could
do it. Actually, I should better say I am willing. I am unsure if others
in rtlToronto would be interested in helping. I think Chris would be
interested, as long as he doesn't have to do anything :)
> I would hope we could get some AFOLs from down east, including the Newfies. :->Perhaps some people from south of the border.
If anything, we should float a trial balloon and see if people would
register. At very worst, it'll be no better than yer average rtlToronto
event :)
> > -More types of activities, if people are interested in running them.
> We could share some of the organizing responsabilities between the 3 extended
> area groups.
I suspect we're relatively competent in in running Robotics, Train we could
probably use some help in. The problem lies in what other things people
would be interested in. The honest truth is Chris and I have little
understanding of the Lego "community" apart from Robotics and Train...and at
that, I don't think we really understand Train clubs either...
> Of course the most important issue is a name. We cannot use Brickfest North or
> anything similar because the word Brickfest belongs to Washington DC. And we
> want to be careful of using the word LEGO in the name because they are
> sensitive about the use of their name. So I was thinking and came up with an
> idea. "Play Well North" considering the word LEGO comes from the phrase play
> well and we are in the Great White North, the rest wrote itself.
BrickNorth? :)
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