Re: Please read, re: S@H orders to Australia
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 03:33:52 GMT
1121 times
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> Customs were wanting $50 and $40
> for the GST, an extra $90 on top of the already outrageous postage cost, but
> the parcel did arrive in the 4-8 days as Lego said it would. I think in
> future it will be cheaper to pay more for the items I want and get them sent
> to my
> uncle in Holland who can then forward the parcels on and claim they are a >gift.
Sounds much like the quandry faced by Canadians having to now order from the
States. We saw this when LEGO shut down their Canadian operations and began
sending catalogs from the U.S. with increased shipping rates. My solution
was simpler though... I simply stopped ordering. I have not spent one penny
to order items from LEGO in the U.S.
I'm sure my micro-boycott isn't worrying the folks at LEGO, but I know that
it makes me feel better.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Please read, re: S@H orders to Australia
| (...) The difference here is that they've actually increased availability for us, so we want to support this. And once the teething problems get sorted, I'm sure Australians & New Zealanders will take to it like ducks to water. (Any reports from NZ (...) (23 years ago, 9-Oct-01, to,
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Please read, re: S@H orders to Australia
| Important information for all people intending to purchase from Lego S@H. I made a purchase on October 4th to the value of AU$198. Today I received a phone call from United Postal Service to inform me my parcel was in Melbourne, but that I had to (...) (23 years ago, 8-Oct-01, to !
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