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Re: Imperial Star Destroyer landing shortly in Brisbane
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 05:23:16 GMT
774 times
Could we term the (Imperial) Star Destroyer, the 'Stott Despojah' in
Australian slang ? (or Natasha for short).

The Stott Despojah -- I love it!

But I do see a bit of paradigm mismatch between the Democrats and the Empire.
Or are you suggesting that our Natasha is a Democrat leader who Fell In Love
With A Dark Lord And Sold Out To The Forces Of Evil? There are precedents,
after all.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Imperial Star Destroyer landing shortly in Brisbane
(...) I had better correct myself here, no 'h' on the end of Stott-Despoja. (...) Yes I was looking for some significance, maybe in an inverse universe, that would be an iniverse. (22 years ago, 28-Nov-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Imperial Star Destroyer landing shortly in Brisbane
(...) Could we term the (Imperial) Star Destroyer, the 'Stott Despojah' in Australian slang ? (or Natasha for short). (...) Is it available as a hardback ? (...) Available at Toyworlds for AU$799, Kmarts for $199, Big W for $203.83 and TRUs 'free (...) (22 years ago, 28-Nov-02, to

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