In lugnet.announce, Todd Lehman writes:
> Tonight there is a new newsgroup area on LUGNET dedicated to discussions
> about LEGO as a company and to being an "online communication-to-LEGO
> channel." It is starting out small, with the option to grow it as needed
> over the coming months/years. (A major area of focus at present is of
> course LEGO Direct.)
Some more background and clarification (Important):
This new .lego.* area (especially .lego.direct) is intended more as a
"community dialogue with the LEGO Company -- for courteous and concise
discussion" than as a regular traffic discussion group.
What does that mean exactly? Well, people at LEGO will be reading the
.lego.* newsgroups (especially Brad Justus at LEGO Direct) and they won't
necessarily have infinite amounts of time to sift through tons and tons of
messages. Brad mentioned, for example, that it took him hours to read
through all of the hundreds of replies to his first two introductory messages
last December -- much more time than he was prepared to spend. Thus, one
quick way we can help Brad and his colleagues is by trying not to deluge
these groups with messages.
Other things which are *un*helpful to Brad:
- Arguments, bickering, or other off-topic chatter/noise
- Me-too's and thank-you's (nice but not really helpful)
- Repetition of something that's already been said
- Misdirected rants, raves, or questions
Brad will probably be able to explain more later about what he'd like to
hear from the community, as things progress. Helpful things will probably
include things like:
- Concise, thoughtful answers/replies to actual questions
- Issues/concerns/suggestions which haven't yet been raised
So that's one way we can help Brad.
A second way we can help Brad is to rate messages in the context of people
from LEGO reading the messages. Thus, as you decide how to rate a message in
lugnet.lego.direct, for example, please consider Brad very strongly as your
target of recommendation -- and this will help Brad comb through the messages
more swiftly.
Some examples, with comments -- and this isn't to pick on anyone or suggest
that what anyone posted was bad or unhelpful -- it's just to illustrate the
(These were chosen from the approximately 600(!) messages resulting as
follow-ups to a handful of messages posted by Brad Justus...)
Very nice, warm messages -- but not particularly helpful to Brad.
Messages like these, if they should happen to appear in .lego.direct,
should be marked relatively low (even though they're nice!).
Not particularly helpful to Brad, but helpful to the community.
Followups are directed to another group, which is a Good Thing.
Completely unhelpful to Brad, but giddy is fine here because followups
are directed to another group, which, again, is a Good Thing in this
case. :-)
Way off-topic... Let's try hard to avoid this in the new groups. (But
again, taking off-topic subthreads into other groups is OK, as long as
it shifts the clutter away from the group in question.)
(These are probably some of the more helpful messages.)
Great questions -- but possibly mis-directed. (I think Brad mentioned
a while back that at some point down the road, perhaps LEGO Legal might
be able to appear from time to time to answer questions. Until then,
questions like these (important questions!) aren't probably much help
to Brad. But he can help define what he's looking for, and whether this
type of message should be rated higher or lower in accordance with
that ideal.)
Again, the above comments aren't to suggest that the deluge which occurred
last December was a bad thing -- if anything, it hepled show how enthusiastic
a community we are -- but as things settle in and become more "serious" we
should think twice before posting to the .lego.* groups, especially
.lego.direct -- which Brad will be reading closely.
.dear-lego is still for open letters to LEGO -- one-way without any answer
expected -- like "Dear Santa:"
.lego.direct is a two-way channel -- so use it sparingly!
> [...]
> Third and finally (and perhaps most importantly, if you're a casual reader),
> there's a very special-for-TLC group, lugnet.lego.announce, for official LEGO
> announcements. If you want to hear the latest news from LEGO Direct or LEGO
> Media or stay up-to-date with LEGO Press Releases, subscribe to this group
> for email delivery.
> [...]
A minor clarification here: The .lego.announce group is currently postable-to
by anyone -- so that copies of official press releases can be put there -- but
it might not always stay so open. In other words, if the group gets abused
(intentionally or unintentionally) and used for non-official announcements,
it'll need to have a filter on it which only lets certain pre-approved people
(such as Brad, for example) post announcements to it. Simple rule of thumb:
If in doubt, Don't post to the .lego.announce group -- use the regular
.announce group instead. :-)
The .lego.announce group will probably be the lowest bandwidth of all the
announcements groups. Highly recommend subscribing to it, at least by email!
--Todd & Suz
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