Re: New newsgroups for LEGO Direct and the LEGO Company
lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 11:13:21 GMT
2906 times
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Todd Lehman <> wrote:
> In lugnet.announce, Todd Lehman writes:
> > Tonight there is a new newsgroup area on LUGNET dedicated to discussions
> > about LEGO as a company and to being an "online communication-to-LEGO
> > channel." It is starting out small, with the option to grow it as needed
> > over the coming months/years. (A major area of focus at present is of
> > course LEGO Direct.)
> Some more background and clarification (Important):
> This new .lego.* area (especially is intended more as a
> "community dialogue with the LEGO Company -- for courteous and concise
> discussion" than as a regular traffic discussion group.
> What does that mean exactly? Well, people at LEGO will be reading the
> .lego.* newsgroups (especially Brad Justus at LEGO Direct) and they won't
> necessarily have infinite amounts of time to sift through tons and tons of
> messages. Brad mentioned, for example, that it took him hours to read
> through all of the hundreds of replies to his first two introductory messages
> last December -- much more time than he was prepared to spend. Thus, one
> quick way we can help Brad and his colleagues is by trying not to deluge
> these groups with messages.
> Other things which are *un*helpful to Brad:
> - Arguments, bickering, or other off-topic chatter/noise
> - Me-too's and thank-you's (nice but not really helpful)
> - Repetition of something that's already been said
> - Misdirected rants, raves, or questions
...sounds like a great idea. Perhaps an idea to keep the signal to noise ratio high is to
require follow-ups go to a diff group (similar to lugnet.announce) except for certain
people (like Brad). Perhaps create lego.followup to direct most follow-ups and whenever a
group consensus is reached or the point is me-to'd to death, someone can manually post it
back to 'lego.whatever'.
...By keeping the follow ups in the lego.* group normally the guys at LEGO will know where
to look for most replies and continuing thoughts if they really want to see what kind of
response it gets.
...just a thought :-) can go back to ignoring me now...
stephen f roberts
wamalug guy (
lugnet #160
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