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Re: New newsgroups for LEGO Direct and the LEGO Company
lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 11:13:21 GMT
2906 times
Todd Lehman <> wrote:

In lugnet.announce, Todd Lehman writes:
Tonight there is a new newsgroup area on LUGNET dedicated to discussions
about LEGO as a company and to being an "online communication-to-LEGO
channel."  It is starting out small, with the option to grow it as needed
over the coming months/years.  (A major area of focus at present is of
course LEGO Direct.)

Some more background and clarification (Important):

This new .lego.* area (especially is intended more as a
"community dialogue with the LEGO Company -- for courteous and concise
discussion" than as a regular traffic discussion group.

What does that mean exactly?  Well, people at LEGO will be reading the
.lego.* newsgroups (especially Brad Justus at LEGO Direct) and they won't
necessarily have infinite amounts of time to sift through tons and tons of
messages.  Brad mentioned, for example, that it took him hours to read
through all of the hundreds of replies to his first two introductory messages
last December -- much more time than he was prepared to spend.  Thus, one
quick way we can help Brad and his colleagues is by trying not to deluge
these groups with messages.

Other things which are *un*helpful to Brad:

  - Arguments, bickering, or other off-topic chatter/noise
  - Me-too's and thank-you's (nice but not really helpful)
  - Repetition of something that's already been said
  - Misdirected rants, raves, or questions

...sounds like a great idea. Perhaps an idea to keep the signal to noise ratio high is to
require follow-ups go to a diff group (similar to lugnet.announce) except for certain
people (like Brad). Perhaps create lego.followup to direct most follow-ups and whenever a
group consensus is reached or the point is me-to'd to death, someone can manually post it
back to  'lego.whatever'.

...By keeping the follow ups in the lego.* group normally the guys at LEGO will know where
to look for most replies and continuing thoughts if they really want to see what kind of
response it gets.

...just a thought :-) can go back to ignoring me now...

stephen f roberts
wamalug guy  (
lugnet #160

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New newsgroups for LEGO Direct and the LEGO Company
(...) 'Course, if Brad or another Lego rep continues the pattern they've set so far, meaning drop in once a quarter, mention how wonderfully interested they are in what we have to say (while responding to almost nothing that has been said), make (...) (25 years ago, 12-Apr-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general)  

Message is in Reply To:
  New newsgroups for LEGO Direct and the LEGO Company
Tonight there is a new newsgroup area on LUGNET dedicated to discussions about LEGO as a company and to being an "online communication-to-LEGO channel." It is starting out small, with the option to grow it as needed over the coming months/years. (A (...) (25 years ago, 11-Apr-00, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego,, !! 

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