Todd Lehman wrote:
> Some more background and clarification (Important):
Thank's for the clarifications.
> http://www.lugnet.com/general/?n=11728
> Great questions -- but possibly mis-directed. (I think Brad mentioned
> a while back that at some point down the road, perhaps LEGO Legal might
> be able to appear from time to time to answer questions. Until then,
> questions like these (important questions!) aren't probably much help
> to Brad. But he can help define what he's looking for, and whether this
> type of message should be rated higher or lower in accordance with
> that ideal.)
This one certainly doesn't belong in lugnet.lego.direct, but probably is
reasonable for lugnet.lego (and in the future, it is possible that there
might be a lugnet.lego.legal, which would then be the most correct place
for posts of this type).
One thing I'd definitely like to see is the various "what pieces should
TLC make" discussions happen perhaps in lugnet.dear-lego (or perhaps
they deserve their own group - I'd actually prefer to not see these in
lugnet.general). If the discussion generates a consensus list of things
to request from TLC, then I'd love to see a summary post cross-posted to
an appropriate lugnet.lego group. Part of what I see the division as now
being is for dear-lego to be a place to express wish lists, which we
hope TLC will read, but understand they probably won't be able to
fulfill. The lugnet.lego groups would then be the place where concrete
requests are made, which we want TLC to consider and respond to.
Of course all of that is just my opinion.
Frank Filz
Work: mailto:ffilz@us.ibm.com (business only please)
Home: mailto:ffilz@mindspring.com
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