Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 03:22:20 GMT
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In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > If so, that sounds very encouraging! Can you say
> > whether rumors of the train product line's demise are greatly exaggerated?
> Yes I can decisively say that. I think I did already, actually.
> > Will be any new train sets coming out in 2001 or 2002? Will there be a
> > Harry Potter Hogwarts Express train? Any new bulk paks coming soon?
> That kind of information would be covered under the NDA so I can't
> specifically comment.
So you know then?
> I'll try to upload a few pics later tonite or tomorrow, suffice it to say
> I've never seen so many top top top shelf train MOCs in one place at one
> time ever before.
MOCs at din?
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