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Re: More Venom Anyone? ( Was Re: Give them a break (was:Hey, like, is anyone there? ))
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 03:42:28 GMT
14 times
You know, I've stayed out of this debate for a long time now, though, I can't
stand this anymore.. Granted, I've bought some (all) Throwbots, they were
interesting when they first came out... a couple Roboriders, (got as b-day
presents). Though I'm really upset about the lack of bricks/beams in these kinds
of sets anymore.  The Brick is what made this company.  why are they straying so
far from it lately? I understand the need to create new parts, though WHERE ARE
THE BEAMS?  (remember those long things with studs on the top...)  Now because
of bulk ordering I can't even order beam packs from S@H anymore, and they aren't
offered from bulk ordering.  I think we shot ourselves in the foot there :(  I
don't think they should have taken the items out of the catalog before they were
able to offer them in bulk.  and I don't call the silver champion a bulk pack,
though it seems those $100.00+ sets are the only things to get beams anymore.

Just my half a penny.. because I need to stop now before I get myself in a nasty
mood and probably say some nasty stuff :(


Todd Lehman wrote:

In, Richard Marchetti writes:
[...]  So they can blow the big money on Bionickle junk, but not on the
bulk orders program eh?  That's good business, eh?  Right.  [...]

I think that's a really important point!  Hard to say how much money the
Bioknuckles would make compared to bulk element sales if they'd actually
gotten that going by now, but it seems like TLC is taking the seductive
and risky marketing road that promises to makes the brand more famous
(or, hmm, maybe it will serve to tarnish it? -- time will tell) rather
than the conservative road that would definitely put money in the bank.
I guess TLC likes to learn the hard way.  Of course, no matter how well
or poorly Bioknuckles do, they'll probably insist on calling it a success
given how much marketing exposure it will have had by this time next year.


p.s.  I actually think the Bionicle sets look kinda cool -- and I plan to
collect them all as I did with the Slizer and RoboRiders sets! (I'm a sucker
for colors and weird parts) -- but I totally agree TLC should have put its
money into something safer instead.

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