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Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 02:30:10 GMT
28 times
In lugnet.trains, Todd Lehman writes:
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
The conversation was wide ranging and very productive.


We discussed things
that LD is going to be doing, the future of the product line and ways to
leverage the productive relationship between LTCs and LD.

Ohohoo, when you say "the future of the product line," I assume you are
referring to trains?


If so, that sounds very encouraging!  Can you say
whether rumors of the train product line's demise are greatly exaggerated?

Yes I can decisively say that. I think I did already, actually.

Will be any new train sets coming out in 2001 or 2002?  Will there be a
Harry Potter Hogwarts Express train?  Any new bulk paks coming soon?

That kind of information would be covered under the NDA so I can't
specifically comment.

importantly, were you able to sleep last night?

After dinner the lot of us fested till pretty late, so at 2 AM when I got to
bed, I was out like a light. (it doesn't help that I have been deathmarching
on a project for the last few weeks and getting about 4 hours a nite sleep)

I'll try to upload a few pics later tonite or tomorrow, suffice it to say
I've never seen so many top top top shelf train MOCs in one place at one
time ever before.

Also, I would like to thank the various people who participated in publicly
speculating about things like production volumes and what molding machine
configurations were like and various other supply chain/MRP/operational
related topics.

That speculation, which some derided as pointless, was extremely helpful to me.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
(...) Exxx...xxxcellent. (...) So you know then? (...) MOCs at din? --Todd (24 years ago, 4-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
(...) My apologies everyone, I totally underestimated the power of the (LEGO)Force. I'm very glad that Trains have a bright future, this has been my lesson in faith. -Harvey (...) (24 years ago, 4-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
(...) In what ways was this helpful? -Jon (24 years ago, 8-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
(...) Awesome! (...) Ohohoo, when you say "the future of the product line," I assume you are referring to trains? If so, that sounds very encouraging! Can you say whether rumors of the train product line's demise are greatly exaggerated? Will be any (...) (24 years ago, 4-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains,

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