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Re: Help with Digital Photography
Fri, 3 Sep 1999 01:23:43 GMT
710 times
Troy Cefaratti <> wrote in message

I suppose it will be a case of trial and error.  Take a few close up's • then
download them to see how they turn out and adjust technique accordingly.

Well, you can look at the screen and save yourself the time downloading
them.  It will be pretty obvious if you cut off a piece of what you are
taking a picture of.  :)

I should have made myself clearer.  You mentioned the following.

Keep in mind also when doing close ups, that the image you see through the
view finder is NOT exactly what will be taken.  You will need to aim high,
so that everything is in the frame.  How high you have to aim is dependant
on how close you are (closer=higher).  Sometimes I have to aim so high that
you can't even see the bottom in the viewfinder, but it comes out OK in the

I know from past experience of using a regular camera that doing macro shots
can be tricky.   The close up shots of my city didn't come out particularly
well because I forgot to aim high.

If what you say is true and the image in the view finder isn't always what
will appear in the downloaded pic (particularly with close up shots) I may
have to resort to downloading close up pics and seeing how they turn out.

That's one of the reason's I'm going digital rather than with flim.  I'm
able to check the quality of the pics immediately.  Plus the fact that I can
better manage the post production process.  With the number of pics I'm
hoping to take it will probably work out a lot cheaper in the long run as


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Help with Digital Photography
(...) I think that I may not have been clear enough in what I meant here. The "picture" that you see when you look through the OPTICAL view finder (the one that you put your eye up to) will not match the actual image capured by the camera. You'll (...) (25 years ago, 3-Sep-99, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Help with Digital Photography
(...) Not necessarily. I would imagine that you might run into the same problem that i did trying to use the bright halogen lights. (Shadows, darkness, etc.) If the camera could be set to ALWAYS be used, it would be great, but I have not figured (...) (25 years ago, 3-Sep-99, to lugnet.general)

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