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Re: Important Geocities Info for anyone who uses them
lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general
Fri, 2 Jul 1999 01:52:37 GMT
1026 times
Todd Lehman wrote:

In lugnet.general, Christopher Masi writes:
Well, actually they say that to post stuff on Yahoo! you have to turn over
your copyrights to us forever...don't they?

I am not a lawyer, but I don't think so.  As I read it, you grant them a
royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and fully sublicensable right to
do whatever they please with your stuff.  That's something quite different
from turning over copyrights.  Some additional wording notes:

- Royalty-free means that they don't have to pay you if they use your stuff.

- Irrevoacable means that you can't come back someday and tell them ever to
  stop using your stuff.

- Non-exclusive means that they can't claim exclusive rights to use your
  stuff (in other words you can always still use your stuff and sell it to
  other people, etc.)

- Fully sublicensable means that they can sell or license your stuff to
  third parties, and so on.

These are fairly standard terms for online contributed content, and you'll
see them almost everywhere.  But usually only for things like forums.  These
are basically the same terms that has with regard to republishing
of user-contributed content.

[...] I will not create a web page on any server that says we own the
content you have placed here. Since I am no trying to make money off of my
creations (couldn't even if I tried) I do not want a company coming in and
selling off my ideas and telling me I cannot sell them.

I don't think they can go around and sell your ideas per se, but as I read
it, they could -- if they wanted to (not that they ever would) -- sell or
charge fees for copies of the information you have placed into their system.
Or they can take snippets of it for advertising purposes.  Or make a montage
of a whole bunch of pages for advertising purpose.  Or whatever.  And not
have to pay you a cent.  But they can't tell you that you can't sell them
anymore.  You still own the copyright.  That's quite standard, I believe.


Yes, this is all true, but you missed the part about they are allowed to
make deriviatve(spelling?) works off of your stuff.  To people like
myself who like to make back story for things; Yahoo/Geocities could
take that and licence the right to make a movie or whatever off of the
idea and we wouldn't get squat.  I have never seen this in another free

-Lord Insanity

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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Important Geocities Info for anyone who uses them
(...) I am not a lawyer, but I don't think so. As I read it, you grant them a royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and fully sublicensable right to do whatever they please with your stuff. That's something quite different from turning over (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jul-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general)

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